Pluviarras spinosus.
Charadrius spinosus, Auct.
Le Pluvier arm£.
This species o f Plover is said occasionally to visit the southern and eastern portions of Europe ; and when we
consider the wide range it possesses in the adjoining countries, we cannot wonder at this circumstance, it being
abundant over nearly the whole o f Northern Africa, Asia Minor, &c. Dr. Latham informs us that it
“ inhabits Russia, and is frequent near Aleppo, about the river Coic. The Spur-winged Plovers are very
numerous and exceedingly noisy; have a hasty and almost continual movement o f the head and neck,
drawing them up briskly, and then stretching them quickly forward, almost as if they were making hasty and
eager bows.” .'' * -
O f its nidification nothing is at present known.
The sexes are so closely alike in plumage that one description will serve for both.
Bill, crown and back o f the head, a broad stripe down the centre o f the throat, breast, abdomen, primaries,
and the tips o f the tail-feathers deep black; the outer feather o f the latter finely tipped with white ; sides
and back o f the neck, under surface o f the wings, secondaries, greater wing-coverts, flanks, vent, upper and
under tail-coverts pure white; back and remainder of the wings greyish brown tinged with olive ; legs, feet
and spur on the shoulder brownish black.
Our Plate represents a male o f the natural size.