the „1 1 , „f„.ho.« „ill „„.i„, „,I ,[„ „dU, a.
1».If It. de»,,,,.. timber, »ith U.dr luxuri.nt growth.-WgU, „ „ ¡„taed b lo™„, rerellmg over Iho.e sad .„d
md.«cI,ol, r„™, » if ,0 l,i,fc u „ „ „ . „ b ^ e e of the
" Tlierc the bliilie loxin liiings fier peoaile nt«
Vrotii th« wild-olivc, bonding o'er the rock,
Beueail, wliose ehndow, in grnvc mantle (tresl.
The Christian paalor taught li» swnrthy Hock.
A rootle« ruii., scatlied by llanio and smoke.
Tells where the Jeccnt ..lissiott-cliape] «ood;
\Vbile the baboon •»•itli jabbering crj doth mock
Tlie pilgri.n pausiug- in 1,« pensive .nood,
To a3k->WI,y is il tbua ?-sbail evil batHe goodl'"
The present mission-house at Umvoti is pleasantly situated ou the southern bank of the river about seven miles
from the const. Numerous Kafir kraals are scattered around in every direction: to the left of the house are seen the
school and chapel; the latter on the Sabbath-day presents an animated a„d striking scene, cro.-ded with sable worshippers,
all Iistenmg attentively to the words of their benevolent instructor: when they all siug a hy^n in their soft, soulus
dialect, the clicks and stops to which they keep regular time, have a smgular, yet pleasing effect.