i P I L a T l Ofl.
K . « . . , th. H.,lji, i, om „f the fc.ding prie.t, of Ih. M.k,» „f c.pe Tom: he l„.,t. tta .,,„<1 ,feli„tio„
of h.„„g p„.f„,™d the pilgri^ge .o Mecc, and style, him.elf the origin.l a„,l only ge.iume pilgrim „„on.^t the
f o l i o ™ , of th. Prophet there. K.rel i. intelligent and intere.ting „an, and ha, „ore liberal view, .„d ,.n"ti„»,t,
than any of h,. rival prie.ts. He repeatedly .at t,. me for hi, portrait, and cnconraged hi, people to do th. ,.„.
althongh it i. contriry to the law of rigid M„„„lme„ to repre„nt the haman eonntenanee. Karef, intelh-enee eomhated
- t h th. prejndie., of the more bigoted Malays in thi, instance, althongh snndry old women threw on. .nspieions that
the new pane, of pl.te^glas, in U.e booitseller's .hop-window in the Heerengracht were for the pnrpo,. of di,pl.,in„ their
p o , t r a , t . , and it wa, with ,o„e difficulty I pe„„ad.d them that snch indeed was not the case. Whenever Tvisited
Karel, coffee and cake, were offered me, and 1 .Iways found hhn .aremely obliging and mlhn, to afford me every
„formation respecting the customs and ceremoni., of hi. people. Na^ea is th. only .„„ivi.ig „¡f. „f Karel-,.,
amongst all Mahommedan,, it is customary for the Malays to be allowed a pluralitv of wives, but it i, ve.-y seldom
that wc find them with more than two, whilst a large majority have only one. The costume of the Malay women i.
very neat: they wear a v.r.ety of gay colon.:.; ¡„ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ___ • ^^
t h . „en m the cut of t ,.„• garments and the fashion of their bats. Nazea i. portrayed in her waiking dre.ss. The
pucst, m h,. robe., „flie,at„g at prayers, before a whit, linen cloth. In the baekgro.„,l of Na „ . ' . portrait is a view
ot the Lions Head Mountain adjoining Cape Town.
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