42. George Hibbert, Esq. presented to Mr. Lambert the greater part of his Herbarium, which comprised the
whole of Niven’s Cape Collection and Dr. Wright’s Jamaica Plants, with many others. A great part of
the Jamaica specimens Mr. Lambert had before received from Dr. Wright himself.
43. Herbarium of Ruiz and Pavon. This extensive collection, made at the expense of the Spanish Government,
contains, besides the whole Herbarium formed by the Authors of the Flora Peruviana during
their residence of eleven years in Peru and Chili, nearly 2000 Mexican plants, and a valuable assortment
of those indigenous to Spain. A considerable addition to the Mexican portion of the Herbarium
has been received since Mr. Lambert’s notice of this collection has been published.* The number of
species nearly doubles that of the Herbarium formed by Humboldt and Bonpland during their
travels in Equinoctial America, and of which the greatest part has already been described, and published,
by a very distinguished botanist, Professor Kunth. The great difference in the proportions of these two
collections is very remarkable, and is only to be accounted for in this manner; that, although Plumboldt
and Bonpland visited many more countries than our Spanish botanists did, the short stay they necessarily
had to make, enabled them to glean a scanty portion only of the vegetable riches which Nature diffuses,
at every step, to the naturalist, in those vast countries of Tropical America, which have been so ably and
so beautifully described by Humboldt. From the excellent descriptions and figures given by M. Kunth
in the “ Nova Genera et Species Plantarum" I have been enabled to make out nearly the whole of the
species, which accord with those he has described in that work. Nearly one half of the species contained
in the Herbarium, however, I conceive to be new, and hitherto unpublished. In the following
statement will be found the Genera, which have yet been determined, disposed according to the Natural
System, with the number of Species contained in each. The Mexican collection appears to me, from
the many specimens from California, Unalaska, &c. to have formed a part of the Herbarium of Mocino
and Sesse, who were many years engaged, at the expense of the Spanish Government, in investigating the
vegetable productions of the Vice-Royalty of New Spain, with the design of publishing a Flora Mex-
icana. There is a separate carpological collection, containing fruits and seeds of the more interesting
plants contained in the Herbarium. The specimens are in excellent preservation, and, in most instances,
several duplicates of each species in different states. Having already determined the greater part of the
species, a complete Flora, containing descriptions of the whole, with figures of the more remarkable ones,
may be expected.
Filices 208. Lycopodiacece 23. Equisetacece 3. Graminées 108. Cyperacece 60. Juncecs 7. Res-
tiaceoe, Xyris 2. Eriocaulon 3. Irideoe, Cipura 1, Moræa 1, Sisyrinchium 28, Tigridia 3. Commelineoe,
Commelina 8, Aneilema 2, Tradescantia 4, Callisia 2. Asphodelecs, Anthericum 2, Conanthera 1, Ornitho-
galum 1, Allium 1, Lilæa 1. Amaryllideoe, Amaryllis 4, Chlidanthus 1, Pancratium 3, Genus Calostemati
affine 1. Liliaceoe, Fritillaria 1, Agave 1, Alstroemeria 14. Bromeliaceoe, Tillandsia 8, Bromelia 1, Pitcair-
nia 4, Pourrettia 2, Æchmea 1, Bonapartea 2, Genus Novum 1. Palmeoe, Nunnezharia 1, Eiais 1, Martinezia 4,
Iriartia 1, Morenia 1. Musaceoe, Heliconia 4, Musa 1. Cannées, Canna 3, Maranta 7, Thalia 4. Scitamineæ, Cos-
tus 4, Amomum 4. Orchideoe, 150. Piper aceoe, Piper 35, Peperomia 29, Clarissia 6. Fluviales, Potoma-
geton 3. Aroideæ, Caladium 4, Dracontium 1, Pistia 1, Pothos 1, Carludovica 2. Balanophoreoe, Cynomo-
rium 2. Typhinoe 1. P onteder eoe, Pontedera 5, Heteranthera 5. Butomeoe, Limnocharis 1. Alismacees, Sa-
gittaria 3. Smilaceæ, Cordyline 2, Smilax 9, Medeola2, Herreria 1, Luzuriaga 1. Dioscorines, Dioscoria 6.
# See Preface to Illustration of the Genus Cinchona, p. G and 7.
Conifères, Araucaria 1, Thuja 2, Taxodium 1, Podocarpus 3, Dacrydium 1, Ephedra 1. Cupuliferoe,
Quercus 22. Myricees, Myrica 4. Amentacece, Alnus 5, Salix 2. Urticeoe, Urtica 21, Boehmeria 12,
Procris 2, Pilea 3, Ambrosia 4, Tafalla 1, Olmedia 8, Cecropia 11, Gunnera 1, Dorstenia 5, Ficus 30,
Morus 2, Macluria 1, Celtis 5. Euphorbiaceoe, Euphorbia 21, Sapium 2, Hippomane 7, Ilura 2, Croton
61, Acalypha 22, Llagunoa 4, Dalechampia 2, Chondodendrum 4, Jatropha 16, Castiglionia 1, Phyllan-
thus 16, Coriaria 3, Schæfferia 3, Synzyganthera 1, Carica 8. Cucurbitacece, Cucumis 4, Momordica 2,
Elaterium 10, Sicyos 5, Gronovia 1. Passifloreoe, Passiflora 22, Tacsonia 9. Asarinoe, Aristolochia 8.
Eloeagneoe, Myoschilus 1. Santalaceoe, Quinchimalium 1. Thymeleoe, Daphne 1, Dais 1, Quisqualis 1,
Neea 3, Cervantesia 2. Proteaceoe, Rhopala 5, Oreocalis 2, Lomatia 1, Quadria 1. Myristiceoe, Myris-
tica 5. Atkerospermeoe, Pavonia 1. Laurinoe 37. Monimeoe, Ruizia 1, Citrosma 7. Polygoneoe% Coc-
coloba 10, Polygonum 7, Rheum 1, Triplaris 3. Begoniacece, Begonia 20. Chenopodeoe, Atriplex 2,
Chenopodium 7, Salicornia 1, Blitum 1, Basella 2, Cercodia 1. Phytolacceoe, Phytolacca 1, Rivina 4.
Amaranthacees, Amaranthus 1, Iresine 2, Lestibudesia 2, Celosia 1, Gomphrena 7, Alternanthera 12,
Achyranthes 13, Genus Novum 1, Lygodisodia 2. lllecebreoe 2. Nyctagineoe, Mirabilis 2, Boerhaavia 7,
Oxybaphus 13, Boldoa 1, Buguinvillea 3, Pisonia 3. Plumbagineæ, Plumbago 1. Lentibularioe, Utricularia
2, Pinguicula 2. Plantagineoe, Plantago 3, Littorella 1. Primulaceoe, Samolus 1. Acanthaceoe,
Justicia 42, Dicliptera 22, Ruellia 40, Alvarezia 2. Verbenaceæ, Vitex 4, Volkameria 4, Callicarpa 5,
Cornutia 2, Duranta2, Russelia4, Lippia30, Lantana 15, Petræa 1, Verbena, Priva et Stachytarpheta 41,
Mendozia 4, Avicennia 2. Jasmineæ, Fraxinus 2, Columellia 3, Menodora 2. Labiatæ, Cunila 3, Mentha 9,
Glechoma 1, Hyptis 20, Bystropogon 12, Hyssopus 2, Teuchrium 8, Ocymum 8, Salvia 75, Monardal,
Stachys 13, Marrubium 1, Lepechinia 2, Gardoquia 8, Genus Novum 1, Trichostema 1, Dracocephalum 1,
Scutellaria 12. Rhinanthaceoe, Pedicularis 1, Castilleja 10, Gerardia 3, Lamourouxia 10, Buchnera 4,
Unanua 1, Veronica 2, Alonsoa 4, Calceolaria 25, Jovellana 3, Angelonia 1, Orobanche 1. Scrophularinoe,
Linaria 1, Maurandia 3, Chelone 8, Mimulus 5, Vandellia 1, Lindernia 1, Herpestis 2, Escobedia 2, Ste-
modia 4, Browallia 2, Virgularia 2, Russelia 4, Sibthorpia 2, Calytriplex 2, Gomara 1, Buddleja 24.
Gesnereoe, Gesneria 20, Besleria 10. Solaneoe, Solanum 80, Nicotiana 11, Physalis 16, Saracha 5, Atropa 2,
Hyoscyamus 3, Nectouxia 1, Datura 6, Solandra 2, Defontainia 2, Jabarosa 2, Triguera 1, Witheringia 1,
Dunalia 3, Lycium 8, Vestia 1, Sessea 1, Cestrum 18, Fabiana 1, Xuarezia 1, Capraria 5, Scoparia 1,
Nolana 4, Nierembergia 2. Boragineoe, Cordia32, Cynoglossum 3, Tournefortia 14, Heliotropium 21, Lithos-
spermum 12, Anchusa 4, Myosotis 4, Lycopsis 1, Echium 2. Convolvulacées, Convolvulus 43, Ipomæa 16,
Evolvulus 8, Dichondra 2, Cuscuta 3. Hydroleaceoe, Hydrolia 2, Wigandia 4, Nama 7. Hydrophylleoe,
Hydrophyllum 3, Phacelea 2. Bignoniacece, Bignonia 32, Astianthus, Nob. 1, Delostoma, Nob. 2, Tecoma 3,
Stenolobium, Nob. 1, Jacaranda 2, Chilopsis, Nob. 1, Catalpa 1, Argylia, Nob. 1, Genus Novum 2, Eccremocar-
pus 2, Crescentia 4, Tourrettia 1. Cobeacecs, Nob. Cobæa 2. Sesameoe, Sesamum 1, Salpiglossis 1, Cranio-
laria 1, Marty nia 2. Polemoniaceæ, Polemonium 1, Cantua 4, Hoitzia 8, Caldasia 1. Gentianeoe, Gentiana
22, Swertia 4, Erythræa 3, Sebæa 1, Lisianthus 8. Apocyneæ, Echites 17, Cerbera 4, Plumeria 7, Taber-
næmontana 5, Cameraria 1, Vallesia 3, Carissa 1. Asclepiadeoe 112. Sapoteoe, Chrysophyllum 4, Nycterisi-
tion 1, Achras 2, Lucuma 7, Rauwolfia Fl. Peruv. 5. Myrsineæ, Ardisia 3, Myrsine 13, Jacquinia 6.
Ebenaceoe, Diospyros 6. Guajacanoe, Symplocos 13. Ericinoe, Vaccinium 5, Thibaudia 5, Ceratostema 2,
Arbutus 3, Gaultheria 5, Andromeda 4, Clethra 4, Bejaria 3, Pyrola 3, Godoya 2. Rubiacees, Rubia 2,
Valantia 4, Gallium 5, Spermacoce 21, Hedyotis 10, Richardia 2, Isnardia 3, Nerteria 1, Diodia 1,