reflexa, basi acuta, brevissimè petiolata. Amenta mascula, numerosa, gemina v. terna, sessilia, pollicem
longa, crassitie 2-linearia, erecta, obtusa, cylindracea, basi squamis numerosis subrotundis membranaceis
margine scariosis imbricatè tecta, Antlieree creberrimæ, cuneato-subrotundoe, turgidæ, medio constrictæ,
subtùs duplici rimâ hiantes, apice appendice minutâ membranaceâ laceratâ coronatæ. Drupoe ovoideæ,
albicantes, pedunculo brevi cylindraceo suffultæ, cernuæ, solitarioe. Spatha campanulata, dimidii
pedunculi longitudine, limbo obliquo, integro.
This plant was first known to me through a living plant imported by the late Mr. Evans of Stepney, from
Prince of Wales’s Island, where it is known by the name of Wax Dammer. I have received numerous
specimens of the same plant from Nepal, through the kindness of Dr. Wallich, who rightly determined it to
be the Lignum Emanum of Rumphius; but it is very distinct from the Taxus macrophylla of Thunberg, which
he considered as the same species. Dr. Wallich informs me that the fruit of this tree is regarded as perfectlv
wholesome by the natives of Nepal. It is readily increased by cuttings; and there are now several young
plants in our collections, raised from cuttings taken from a living plant, which Mr. Evans received with many
others from Prince of Wales’s Island. It is usually treated as a hot-house plant; but I am inclined to think
it would be found to succeed best in the green-house.
P odocarpus macrophylla, foliis Iineari-lanceolatis elongatis obtusis margine planis, amentis masculis quinis
folio triplô brevioribus.
Taxus macrophylla. Thunb. Japon, p, 276.
Sin, vulgô Maki seu Fon Maki. Koempf. Am, Exot, V. p. 780. ejusd.Icon. t. 24.
Habitat in Japoniæ imperio copiosé, præsertim ad urbem Nagasacki.
Arbor magna, frondosa, ramosissima. Truncus crassus, cortice cinereo-fusco vestitus. Rami conferti, assur-
gentes, supernè foliosi, inferné de lapsu foliorum nodosi. Folia alterna, lineari-lanceolata, obtusa, coriacea,
glabra, stricta, suprà viridia, subtus pallidiora, utrinque costâ validâ convexâ, margine plana, basi iu petiolo
brevi attenuata, 2 v. 3 pollices longa, 3 lineas lata v. sæpé ultra. Amenta plura (4-5), axillaria,
sessilia, cylindracea, pollicem longa, proecedenti duplô tenuiora, recta, basi squamis pluribus munita.
Antheroe subrotundæ, turgidæ, subtùs duplici rimâ hiantes, apice appendice minutâ membranaceâ ovali
obtusâ auctæ. Drupa ovoidea, viridis, glabra, magnitudine Pisi majoris, monosperma.
The specimens, which I possess, of this species were collected in the neighbourhood of the city of
Nagasacki. These specimens, together with several hundred other Japanese plants, were taken in a Dutch prize
during the last war. The name of the naturalist who collected them, I have never been able to ascertain. Of
the wood of this tree, according to Thunberg, the Japanese form boxes and desks.
Podocarpus pungens, foliis sparsis linearibus elongatis mucronatis margine incrassatis, drupis globosis.
Habitat in Novâ-Hollandiâ. G. Caley.
Arbor................... Rami numerosi, teretes, recti, cortice cinereo lsevi obducti, basi pereurrente foliorum lineati.
Folia sparsa, linearia, coriacea, mucronata, pungentia, glabra, supra viridia, subtüs pallida, utrinque costa
validA, margine inci-assata, basi angustata, sesqui-v. bipollicaria, vix lineam lata. Drupa globosa, solitaria,
axillaris, magnitudine Pisi, erecta, pedicello tereti laevi ultra-semiunciali sustentata. Spatha campanulata,
limbo bilabiata, basi squamis duabus munita.