D. Orientalis, foliis oppositis ovali-oblongis nervosis basi attenuatis, strobilis turbinatis: squamis adpressis
apice rotundatis.
Dammara alba. Humph. Amb. 2. p. 174. t. 57.
Pinus Dammara. Lamb. Pin.p. 32. t. 38.
Arbor Javanensis visci foliis latioribus conjugatis, Dammara alba dicta. D. Sherard. Ran Hist. 3. dendr.
Habitat in Amboinae montibus altis.
A. Branch with a cone and male catkins.
B. Male catkin.
C. A transverse section of the same.
D, D. Anthers attached to the columella and surmounted by the crest.
E. Anther separate.
F. Cone.
G, G. Scales of the cone.
H, H. Seeds.
.1. Squamata, foliis ternis adpressè imbricatis ovato-oblongis acutis acuminatisve ; emarcidis persistentibus;
novellis inflexo apice quasi obtusis, baccis ovatis summo umbilicatis, ramis ramulisque confertissimis
teretibus, caule prostrato.
Habitat in Bhotaniæ Alpibus. W. S. Webb.
Frutex magnus, decumbens, ramosissimus. Rami ampli, 3-6-pedales, reclinati, apice adscendentes, cortice
fusco-purpureo in laminis deciduo tecti. Ramuli cum novellis confertissimi, teretes, undique foliis im-
bricati. Folia terna, oblonga, adpressè imbricata, intensè viridia, lævissima, extùs convexa; novella ple-
rumque obtusa, apice inflexo ; adultiora acuta v. sæpiùs acuminata; emarcida semper apice elongato
acuminato instructa, persistentia, ad ramos utpotè squamæ adhærentia, undè nomen desumpsit. Baccoe
numerosæ, subrotunda-ovatæ, solitariæ, rubræ, pedicello brevi squamoso suffultæ, summo umbilicatæ,
paulô majores quàm J. communi.
This new species of Juniperus is only met with at great elevations on the Himalaya Range, in situations
where the snow lies during a great part of the year. It is called by the natives Pudma Chundur, and is said
to be so plentiful in the district called Garawhal, that the inhabitants use it for fuel. The wood is said to be
made use of by the Hindoos in their sacrificial offerings, like the ancient cedar.
J u n ipe ru s U v if e r a , foliis ovatis obtusis appressis quadrifariam imbricatis, ramulis brevibus erectis congestis
torulosis, drupis terminalibus subrotundis.
Habitat in Americâ Australi ad Caput Horn dictum. Middleton.
Frutex decumbens, ramosissimus. Rami assurgentes, teretes, cortice cinereo-fusco squamoso tecti. Ramuli
breves, erecti, confertissimi, undique foliis imbricati, torulosi, flagellas referentes. Folia ovata, obtusa,
appressa, quadrifariam imbricata, integerrima, coriacea, glabra, lævia. Drupoe subrotundæ, purpureæ,
magnitudine et figurà Uvoe minoris, in apice ramulorum solitariæ, sessiles, læves.
This new species of Juniper, was brought to this country together with many other specimens of new
plants, hy Mr. Middleton, who collected them in the neighbourhood of Cape Horn. These specimens were
given to the late Mr. Forsyth of the Royal Gardens, Kensington, who obligingly presented some of them to me