tædiosula Nyl. A r th o n ...................................... 3103
tæniata Nyl. P a rm ................................................ 756
læiiioeforrais Ach. R am a i................................. 430
inïiense Mont. Heteroth.................................... 2042
taïtensis Nyl. Le c id .............................................. 2045
taïtensis Nyl. Rama i........................................... 407
takashimana Nyl. le c id .................................... 2491
Tamarindi Nyl. V e r ru e ...................................... 3452
ta rta re a Ach. Le ca n ............................................. 1435
ta r ta r e v s L . L ichen ............................................. 1455
tasmanica Cromb. E p h eb e ............................... 9
tasmanica Nyl. P y r e n o p s .................................. 4
tasmanica Nyl. Rama i........................................ 462
Taylori Nyl. iVeiii'opog......................................... 510
teicholyta Ach. L e c a n ......................................... 1161
te ich o lytum DC. Pla co d ...................................... 1161
teichophila Nyl. L e ca n ...................................... 1293
telephoroides Th. F r . L e c u n ........................... 1455
tenax Ach. Collem................................................ 51
tenebricosa Nyl. ie c id ........................................ 1966
tenebrosa Flot. L e c id ......................................... 2297
ten e lla Ach. Gra p h 2363 e t 2 3 6 3 ”
tenella Nyl. P h ys c ................................. 970 e t 972
tenellum Nyl. Calie............................................. 139
tenellum Nyl. Endocarp.................................... 3208
tenellum Nyl. Lep ro ca u l.................................... 3610
lenellus Scop. Lichen.......................................... 970
tenera Nyl. Cladon................................................ 293
teneriffensis Nyl. le c a n .................................... 1439
ten e rio r Nyl. V sn e a ............................................. 302
tenerum Laur. S p hæ ro p h ................................. 181
tennesseensis Nyl. Le c id 2333 et 2 3 3 3 ”
tenue Nyl. P la co d .................................................. 1144
ten u e Nyl. Nephroma......................................... 913
tenuifida Nyl. P a m ............................................. 713
tenuior Nyl. Coccocarp...................................... 1091
tenuior Nyl. Lecan................................................ 1453
tenuirimis Tayl. P a rm ...................................... 624
lenuis Ach. L e c a n ................................................ 1144
tenuissimum Nyl. ie p ïo g .................................. 91
ten u issimu s Dicks. L ich e n ............... 91
tephroides Ach. Endocarp............................... 3210
terebrans Nyl. T h e lo tr ...................................... 1727
le re h ra ta Nyl. R am a i......................................... 446
terebratulum Nyl. T h e lo tr ............................... 1676
terehratum Ach. T h e lo tr 1726 et 1 7 2 6 ”
terminata Nyl. V e r ru e ...................................... 3455
te rn a ria Nyl. ie a id .............................................. 2073
te rren a Nyl. le c id ................................................ 2326
te rre s tris Nyl. L e c a n 1506, 1211 e t 1306
te rrico la Nyl. Le c a n ............................................. 1211
te rrigena Will. AriAon...................................... 3124
tersa Nyl. L e c a n ................................................... 1508
T. Pe rs. V erru e ........................................... 3319
tesse llata Floe rk e Le c id .................................... 2342
tessellatula Nyl. VemiC.................................... 3348
testacea Ach. le c id .............................................. 1878
testudinaria Nyl. R am a i.................................... 392
Tetraceræ Nyl. Verra c ...................................... 3319
tetraphora Nyl. G ra p h ...................................... 2707
tetrapla Nyl. Le c id ............................................... 2470
tetraspora Nyl. L e c a n ......................................... 1205
te trastiche lla Nyl. L e c id .................................... 2487
te trathalamia Nyl. P e r tu s ............................... 1604
te tra th a lam ium Fé e Trype th........................... 1604
texana Tuck. P a n n ............................................. 658
T e y sma n n i .Mont. P la ty sm ............................... 534
Ihæodes Mass. Acarosp........................................ 1506
Thalamita Nyl. En d o co c .................................... 3605
thamnodes Flot. E c e r n 577 e t 37 7 ”
Thamnolia A ch........................................... 222-224
thelena Ach. V e r n ie ........................................... 3490
thelena Mont. V erru e......................................... 3370
thelenelloides Nyl. P e r iu s ............................... 1603
thelenula Nyl. V em ic ......................................... 3501
theleodes Nyl. V em ic ......................................... 3222
thelioplaca Nyl. Pe rius...................................... 1640
thelocarpoides Nyl. Per tu s............................... 1593
Thelocarpon Nyl.................................................. 3189
theloeoccoides Nyl. le ço n ............................... 3658
Thelococcum Nyl.................................................. 3190
Thelographis Nyl................................................. 2808 '
Thelopsis Nyl............................................. 3557-3o58
thelostomoides Nyl. Veiruc............................. 3339
Thelotrema A c h ...................................... 1673-1794
thelotremoides Nyl. te c a n ............................. 1504
thelotremoides Nyl. Ven-uc............................. 3426
tliioleuca Nyl. P la ty g r ...................................... 2910
Ihiomela Nyl. Lecan............................................ 1270
thiostoma Nyl. P e r tu s ......................................... 1616
thomensis Nyl. L e c id ......................................... 2100
Thouarsii Nyl. S iic lm o ...................................... 769
thrausta Nyl. R um a i........................................... 404
TAuiensisTh. F r . Alect...................................... 561
Thunbergii Nyl. Dermot.................................... 1052
thyrsifera Nyl. Cladina...................................... 307
thysanæoides Nyl. Collem................... 67 e l 72
thysanæum Ach. Collem 71 et 7 1 ”
tbysaniza Nyl. L e c id ........................................... 1896
thysanizum Nyl. Collem.................................... 72
thysanota Nyi. Lccid........................................... 2057
T hysanothecium B e rk , et MonL 206-207
t ig illa r isF r . T r a c h y l........................................... 166
liiia cea Ach. P a rm ................................................ 632
tiliacea Tuck. Parm............................................. 641
T ilesii Nyl. Piaiy.sm............................................. 526
limidula Nyl. GrapA........................................... 2749
tin ctoria Nyl. GrapA........................................... 2724
tinctoria DC. Roccel............................................. 475
linciorûimEschw. Dioryg................................. 2724
Liiictorum Despr. Parm 606 e t 6 0 6 ”
Tingitana Salzin. R am a i.................................... 460
Lininciila Nyl. OmpAai......................................... 26
tomente lla Nyl. S tic tin a ..................... 787 et 786
/omeniosa Hoffm. P e llig .................................... 888
iomeniosa Mey. S t ic la ........................................ 774
tomentosa Nyl. S lic tin a .................................... 791
tomentosum Nyl. Nep h rom ium ..................... 888
tomentosum F r . S te reo ca u l............................. 250
lomentosus Sw. L ich en ...................................... 791
tornoënsis Nyl. L e c id ......................................... 1904
torque scens Nyl. G lyp h is 3141 e t 3141 ”
torrida Ach. G yro p h........................................... 1045
tortuosa Ach. G ra p h 2586 e t 25 8 6 ”
to r tu o sa Fée Graph.............................................. 2671
tortuosa Nyl. Heier.............................................. 1121
torulosa Fé e Ari/ion........................................... 3090
torulosa Nyl. R am a i........................................... 405
torulosa Nyl. SipA................................................ 214
lorulosus Thunb. L ichen .................................. 214
íra¿)íne/ia Th. Fr. Arthon .................................. 3115
trachelinum Ach. Cidic...................................... 151
T ra ch y lia Nyl......................................................... 3633
ti-achodes Nyl. T h e lo lr ...................................... 1737
traehona Nyl. Le c id ............................................. 2083
trachonoides Nyl. Lecid.................................... 2013
trachonopsis Nyl. L e c id .................................... 2084
traehycarpus S tir t. N e u ro p o g........................ 515
trachyna Ach. C la d o n ......................................... 301
T ra ch y lia F r ...................................... I 6 u - I7 0 e l 3633
trachypoda Nyl. Cladon.................................... 350
trachypus Nyl. Bæom......................................... 202
transve rsa Nyl. L e c a n ......................................... 1465
tremelloide s Fr. Lepiog................... 100 et 100”
Tremotylium Nyl.................................................. 1807
li'ibacia Nyl. P h ys c .............................................. 972
tribacoides Nyl. Physc........................................ 974
tribulosa Nyl. Bama/ea...................................... 387
Iricliia le Ach. Ca/ic.............................................. 162
trichodea Ach. Usnea.......................... 507 e l 506
trichospora Nyl. Le c id ....................................... 2185
ti-ichroa Nyl. L e c id .............................................. 2007
tricolor Mont. B ia t................................................ 2125
tricosa Nyl, G ra p h 2789 e t 2 7 8 9 ”
trico siila Nyl. G ly p h ......................................... 3151
u-idssa Nyl. Gra p h ................................................ 2751
Iripliora Nyi. G ra p h .......................... 2698 et 2697
ti-iplioi-oidesNyl. Gra p h .................................... 2091
triphragmia Nyl. Le c id ....................................... 2457
triplex Nyl. T r y p e th ............................................ 3525
u-ipücans Nyl. L c c id ........................................... 2067
trípoda Cromb. Cladon...................................... 293
E T S P E C I E R U M . 3 7 5
IripfodesNyl. Collem........................ ................. 37
Iriptopliylia Nyl. P a n n u l.............. ................. 1077
tripl.opliyllina Nyl. Lecid.............. ................. 2198
triptophylloides Nyl. Collemod.. ................. 87
triptophylloides Nyl. Le c id .......... ................. 1908
triseptata Nyl. Le c id ........................
triseptulans Nyl, L ecid................... 2072 et 2 0 7 2 ”
irisieNy l. Platysm............................ ................. 729
Iristis Nyl. Lecid...............................
tris tis Nyl. P a rm ............................... ................. 729
tristiuscula Nyl. Le c id ................... . 2430 e l 2295
tritícea Nyl. Gra p h.......................... ................. 2694
tr ita la Nyl. Le c id ............................... ................. 1991
trochiscea Norm. P e r tu s ..............
Iropica Ach. Verrue........................ ................. 3435
trulla Nyl. E v e rn io p s ...................... ................. 578
Lruliifera Nyi. Usnea........................ ................. 494
trypaneoides Nyl. Th e lo tr............ ................. 1791
trype the liiformis Nyl. P e r iu s___ ................. 1603
T rype the lium Ach............................ .. . 3507-3533
Lrypethelizans Nyl. Vei-ruc.......... ................. 3424
tubæformis Hoffm. C la d o n............................ 287
tuberculífe ra Nyl. P e r iu s................ ................. 1627
tuberculosa F é e L e c id .....................
T ucke rmani Haven. Endo ca ip ................. 3201
Liimiclula Nyl. GrapA........................
tumidula Nyl. R am a i..................... .................. 389
tumulata Nyi. G 'a p h .......................................... 2714
lui-batula Nyl. A r lh o n ...................................... 3082
turbinata Fr. S p h in c tr ..................... ................. 138
turbulenta Nyi. Am om o ip h . ................. 2801
lu rfa ce a Nyl. Lecan............................................ 1275
tu rfa c e u s Wahl. L ich e n .................................... 1275
turgens Nyl. Le c id .............................. .............. 2341
turgescens Nyl. C la d in a .................................... 375
turgescens Nyl. Lecid........................ 2431 e l 2341
turgescens Nyl, S te reo ca u l.............................. 260
turgida Hoffm. Cla d o n..................... ................. 314
turgida Nyl. H ep p ia .......................... .............. 1110
turgidula Fr. L e c id ............................. ............... 1993
turgidior Nyl. C la d in a ..................... ................. 371
iu rg id um Ach. Endocarp.................................. 1110
Turneri Leight. Opegr....................... ............... 2825
lyloplaca Nyl. P e r tu s .......................... .............. 1642
tylorrhiza Nyl. G y ro p k ...................... .............. 1034
lympanella Fr. T r a c h y l................... ............... 167
uberinum Nyl. Trypeth................................. 3507
uberina Fée Py ren ........................................... 3507