, l í :
glypluza Nyl. Gra p h ........................................... 2674
Glypholeeia Nyl......................................... 13o2-1553
gomphilloides Nyl. Sp/iincir....................... 143
gonatodes Ach. L c c a n ....................................... 1455
gorgonea Nyl. C la d in a .................................... 371
gossypina Nyl. C ro c y n ia................................. 1848
g o ssyp in a Mont. P a rm ....................................... 1359
gossi/pi?tum Nyl. Amphil.................................. 1848
g o ssy p in u s Sw. L ichen ....................................... 1848
gra c ilenta (Ach.) Cladon.................................... 343
gra c ilenta Tuck. Cla d o n .................................. 347
gra c ilen ta Nyl. Cladon...................................... 288
gra c ilenta Ach. Coniocyb.................................. 3632
gracilenta Ach. R am a i....................................... 403
gra c ilen tio r Nyl. Cladon.................................... 298
gracilescens Floe rk e Cla d o n.......................... 301
gracilescens Nyl. S te reo ca u l.......................... 267
g ra c ilio r Nyl. Opegr........................................... 2837
gracilis HofTin. Cladon........................ 293 e t 293 ”
g ra c ilis Nyl. G ra p h .............................................. 2794
gra c ilis Nyl. R am a l................................. 401 e t 395
gracilis Ach. Usn ea .............................................. 505
g ram in o sum Schær. S te reo caul...................... 260
grammitica Nyl. G ra p h.................................... 2679
grammitis F é e GrapA......................................... 2678
grammiiis Eschw. Diorygm............................. 2750
granatensis Nyl. P a rm ...................................... 649
granatensis Nyl. S tic ta .................................... 824
granatina Nyl. JEuops......................................... 2
grandescens Nyl. C la d o n .................................. 315
grandicula Nyl. V em ic .................................... 3294
grandis Nyl. L e c id ................................................ 2042
gran ifera Ach. le c a n ....................................... 1396
granosa Tuck. L e c id ........................................ 2238
granosum Wulf. Coliem.................................... 42
granula ta Nyl. L e c a n ....................................... 1373
granulata Bab. Pa rm o stie ta ........................... 846
granulata Eschw. P e riu s .................................. 1573
granulala Mont. S aged...................................... 2945
granulala Mont. S tic ta ....................................... 770
g ran ula ta la Nyl. Verrue................................. 3328
granulatum Nyl. T h e lo tr ................................ 1698
granulatum Nyl. S tigm a t............................... 2945
granulifera Nyl. P h ys c ................................... 952
granuliferum Nyl. TAeioir............................... 1693
granulosa Nyl. L e c a n ......................................... 1149
g ra n u lo sa Nyl. Lecid........................................... 2257
granulosula Nyl. L e c id 2257 e t 2257 *>
granulosum J . Muell. Amphil........................ 1149
granulosum Tuck. T h e lo lr ............................. 1689
graphica Knight Perius...................................... 1634
graphicum Nyl. S tig m a t.................................. 2932
graphidioides Cromb. S tig m a t...................... 2961
graphidiza Nyl. Op eg r....................................... 2864
Graphis Ach 2555-2800 e t 3677-80
g regaria Koerb. A r lh on.................................... 2962
grisea Nyl. GrapA................................................ 2740
grise a Nyl. Ven-uc................................................ 3397
griseo-coociuea Nyl. L e c id ............................. 1903
griseo-fusce scens Nyl. Le c id .......................... 2008
griseo-pallens Nyl. Lc c id ................................. 1944
g riseo-pallescens Nyl. L e c id .......................... 1945
grossa Pe rs . Lecid............................................... 2393
grumulosa Duf. O p eg r ................. 2812
g rum u lo sa Ilepp Lauriella ............................... 1353
Guagaci F é e Ven-uc............................................. 3377
Guepini Nyl. U ep p ia ........................................... M il
Gu illem in i Mont. S tic la .................................... 783
Guilleminii Nyî. P a rm o s tic tin a ...................... 783
guineensis Nyl. V em ic .................................... 3354
Gyalecta A ch .............................................. 1854-1868
gyale ctina Ny!. L e c a n ....................................... 1462
gyalizella Nyl. L e c id ............................................ 3665
gyalocarpa Nj’l. S lic lin a ................................... 788
gyalocarpa Leight. S tic ta .................................. 789
gymnocarpum Nyl. Th e lo lr............................. 1724
gymnocheila Nyl. P a n n u la r ............................. 1083
Gymnoderma Nyl................................................. 1143
gymnoloma Nyl. S tic tin a .................................. 769
gymnophora Nyl. P la ly g r............................... 2931
gypsacea Nyl. Le c a n............................................ 1328
gypsacea Ach. Urceol......................................... 1828
g ypsaceus Sin. Lichen ........................................ 1328
gyrantlia Nyl. P a n n a r......................................... 1061
gyrina Nyl. GyropA............................................. 1031
gyroearpa Nyl. Opegr........................................ 2875
gyrolopAia F r . Gora.............................................. 3186
Gyrophora Ach ........................................... 1023-1031
gy ro sa Flol. S tic ta ................................................ 780
Gyrostomum F r ..................................................... 1806
hoemalea Nyl. Euops........................ 3
hæmaleella Nyl. Pyrenops...............
hæmatites Fée Graph........................
hæmatites Chaub. Lecan.................
hæmographa Nyl. Graph................. ........... 2799
hæmophæa Nyl. Lecid...................... ........... 1894
hæmotropus Leighl. Bæom............. ........... 192
Hageni Ach. Lecan............................ ........... 1440
Halei Nyl. Lecid................................. ........... 1890
halonia Ach. Lecid............................ ,. ,. 2450
halophila Nyl. Verrue........................
Hamamelidis Nyl. Arlhon............... , . . . 3081
hamatum Nyl. Chiodect.................... , , 3183
hapaliza Nyl. A r lh o n ......................................... 3089
h aplocarpa Nyl. G y ro p h .................................. 1025
haplolea Ach. Cladon......................................... 301
Ilai-tungiana Nyl. L e e id ................................. 2243 ”
hebescens Nyl. Cla d o n....................................... 324
hebescens Nyi. L e c id 2321 e t 2321 ”
Ile eri llopp Le c id .................................................. 2035
Helminthocarpon F é e ....................................... 2809
helvética Ach. Nephroma.................................. 889
helveticum Nyl. N e p h r om ium .. . 889 e t 889 ”
hemitropa Nyl. Lecid......................................... 2030
hepaticum Ach. E n d o ca rp ............................. 3'203
Heppia Næg................................................ 1107-1119
h erb á ce a de Notar. Ricasol.............................. 875
Aerbacews Iluds. L ich e n .................................... 875
herbarum Hepp Le c id ...................................... 2170
herp etica Ach. Opegr......................................... 2872
Jlesseana Mey. S t ic ta ......................................... 769
Heterina Nyl......................................................... 1121
hetei-obola Cromb. L e c id .................................. 2182
h eterocarpa F é e G ra p h 2640 e t 2 6 4 0 ”
heterocarpoides Nyl. G?-apA............................. 2642
heterochroa Mont. Ven-uc................................ 3427
h etero clita Mont. GlypA 3142 e t 3142 ”
h etero clita Nyl. Ven-uc.................................... 3370
Heterodea Nyl................................................. 385-386
heteromorphus Nyl. Bæom ............................. 193
heterophorum Nyl. A s ir o th ............................. 3591
heteropsis Nyl. Ven-uc...................................... 3302
heterospora Nyl. Gi'aph.................................... 2741
heterospora Nyl. Lecid...................................... 2118
heterospora Nyl. V em ic .................................. 3337
heterotropoides Nyl. Chiodect........................ 3171
heterotropum Nyl. C h io d e c t.......................... 3170
h ia scens Nyl. Gra p h ............................................ 2399
hibc rn ica Nyl. A r th o n ...................................... 3105
hilarescens Nyl. L c c id ....................................... 1932
Hildenbrandii Nyl. Le p to g ............................... 114
h imalaj'ana Njd. V sn e a .................................... 499
himalayensis Nyl. P a rm .................................... 583
himalayensis Nyl. P h ly c te l............................. 1819
h iroshimita Nyl. Lecid...................................... 2338
hirsuta Ach. GyropA........................................... 1036
hirsuta Nyl. S lic tin a ........................................... 782
hirsutulum Nyl. Psorom.................................. 1126
hii-laNyl. S lic tin a ................................................. 788
hirta F r . Usnea...................................................... 495
h ir tu s !.. Lichen..................................................... 493
hisp id a Fr. P h y s c ................................................. 967
h isp id u la Ach. P a rm ............................... 998 et 653
hispidulum Nyl. Psorom.................................... 1129
hiulca Nyl. Lccan.................................................. 1318
holochracea N jl. Lccnn..................................... 1177
hologlauca Nyl. GrapA....................................... 2718
hololepis Fioerke Cladon.................................. 280
hololeuca Mont. G?-apA......................................... 2710
hololeucoides Nyl. G ra p h .................................. 2711
holophæa Nyl. L e c a n ......................................... 1268 .
holopolia Nyl. V e r ru e ......................................... 3450
holospoda Nyl. P a n n a r ....................................... 1063
holosan lh a Nyl. PAysc...................................... 939
h omalanlha Nyl. Coccocarp............................... 1089
homalea Ach. R am a i......................................... 391
homalea Mont. Ram a i......................................... 389
homalodes Nyl. Le c id .......................................... 2346
homalodes Nyl. Ne p h rom a ............................... 914
homaloplaca Nyl. Lecan.................................... 1383
homalotera Nyl. Le c id ........................................ 2345
homobola Nyl. L e c a n ......................................... 1307
Homodium Nyl................................................ 131-132
homoeochroa Nyl. Le c id.................................... 2268
homæoides Nyl. P la t y g r .................................. 2899
homoeophana Nyl. Aj-lAon............................... 3042
homoeophylla Nyl. S tic ta .................................. 856
homogcna Nyl. GropA......................................... 2692
homogenes Nyl. P a r m ...................................... 593
homographa Nyl. G ra p h .................................... 2709
homographiza Nyl. GrapA............................... 2723
homologa Nyl. Lecan........................................... 1248
homopastum Nyl. T h e lo tr ............................... 1692
homothelium Nyl. A s lr o th ............................... 3588
homotoma Nyl. F a rm ........................................ 605
Hookeri Tuck. Cla d o n ...................................... 343
Hookeri Nyl. S tic tin a ......................................... 773
Hookeri B e rk , e t Mont. T h y sa n o th 206
horista Nyl. Lecid.................................................. 2177
horiza Ach. L e c a n ................................................ 1355
Aortza Flot. L e c a ii................................................ 1286
horizontalis Hoffm. P e ltig ............................... 90S
hostheleoides Nyl. Lecid.................................... 2161
hottentotta Ach. P a rm ...................................... 735
h oUentottus Thunb. L ic h e n ........................... 735
Humboldtii Nyl. S lic lin a .................................... 780
Huegelii Nyl. ArlAon........................................... 3039
humilis Ach. R am a i........................................... 448
humisLi-ata Nyl. Le c id ......................................... 2546
humosum Nyl. L e p to g ........................................ 90
hyaliniza Nyl. Lecid............................................. 2053
hyalinum Nyl. T h y sa n o th .................................. 207
Agolinus Tayl. Bæom........................................... 207,
hyalospora Nyl. Verauc...................................... 3400
hybrida Ach. CIndon........................................... 293
Hydrothyria R u s s ................................................ 137
hymenogonia Nyl. Ven-uc............................... 3235
hymnothora Ach. Verrue................................. 3497
hyperbolizans Nyl. G?-apA............................... 2601
hyperborea Ach. G y ro p h .................................. 1047
hyperborea Nyl. Lecan...................................... 1488
m i