Price Is. 6 / each Slide.
S m i t h and B e c k supply the following Diatomaceæ described in the Synopsis.
As each specimen has been examined by the Author of that Work, and the
Localities marked upon each, the authority of these mountings may be relied
upon by those desirous of identifying these interesting and beautiful objects.
A few Foreign specimens of rarer British Forms have been introduced, and
are denoted by italics.
The style of the mountings is denoted by the letters affixed. B = balsam,
D = dry, and F = fluid.
Diatomaceous Earths, in Balsam.
Peterhead Deposit.
Premnay Peat.
Dolgelly Earth.
Cantyre Peat.
Lough Mourne Deposit.
Lough Island Reavey Deposit.
Mull Deposit.
Newbie Deposit.
Raasay Earth.
B. Epithemia turgida.
B. Epithemia granulata.
B. Epithemia Zebra.
B. Epithemia Argus.
B, Epithemia longicornis.
B. Epithemia alpestris.
B. Epithemia proboscidea.
B. Epithemia Sorex.
B. Epithemia Musoulus.
B. Epithemia Westermanii.
B. Epithemia rupestris.
B. Epithemia constricta.
B. Epithemia gibba.
B. Epithemia ventricosa.
B. Eunotia Arcus.
B. Eunotia gracilis.
B. Eunotia triodon.
B. Cymbella Ehrenbergii.
B. CjTnbella cuspidata.
B. Cymbella affinis.
B. Cymbella maculata.
B. Cymbella Helvetica.
B. Cymbella Scotica.
B. Amphora ovalis.
B. Amphora affinis.
D. Amphora membranacea.
D. Amphora tenera.
B. F. Cocconeis Pediculus.
B. Cocconeis Placentula.
B. Cocconeis Thwaitesii.
B. Cocconeis Scutellum.
B. Cocconeis Grevillii.