3 ^ -fe e t Achromatic Telescope , with finder, 1 te rre s tria l a n d 4
a stro n omic al eye-pie ces, o n b rass p illar an d claw stan d ,
with v ertical an d h o rizo n ta l ra c k m ov em en ts, a n d
ste ad y in g -ro d s, in m ah o g a n y c a s e ............................................
D itto o n im p ro v ed s ta n d ......................................................................
M ahogany s ta n d fo r d itto a n d b o lt .................................................
Un iv e rsa l E q u a to ria l s ta n d fo r d i t t o .................................................
Va rley ’s S tan d , m ah o g an y w ith b ra s s f i t t i n g s .............................
S lin g cases fo r p o rta b le T e le s c o p e s ..........................................from
£ s. d.
40 0 0
42 0 0
1 1 0
.30 0 0
12 12 0
0 7 6
L a rg e r Telescope s, with every v a rie ty o f m o u n tin g , m ad e to o rd er.
Spectacles and Eye-Glasses.
Go ld Sp ecta cles, d o u b le jo in t ...................
Go ld S p ecta cles, sin g le jo in t ........................
P la te d S p e ctac les ............................................
Go ld F o ld e rs .......................................................
P la te d F o ld e rs .................................................
Go ld E y e -fram e s ............................................
P la te d E y e - fr am e s ............................................
Silver S p ec ta cles a n d F o ld e rs ...................
P e a rl o r T o rto ise sh e ll a n d Go ld H a n d -
fram e s ............................................................
P e a rl o r T o rto is e sh e ll a n d Silver H a n d -
f r am e s ............................................................
F re n ch T o rto ise sh e ll a n d Silver H a n d -
f ram e s ............................................................
from 1 15 0 to 3 3 0
„ 1 10 0 to 3 0 0
„ 1 10 0
„ 2 15 0 to 5 5 0
„ 2 0 0
„ 0 10 0 to 2 0 0
„ 0 14 0
„ 1 0 0
„ 4 4 0 to 5 6 0
„ 1 1 0
! „ 0 17 0
T o rto ise sh e ll Sp e ctac les, d o u b le-jo in t ...
T o rto ise sh e ll S p ec ta cles, s in g le -jo in t .................
T o rto is e sh e ll F o ld e r s ........................................ from
T o rto ise sh e ll F o ld e rs , with g o ld b r id g e ................
T o rto ise sh e ll Ey e -g la s s es ............................. from
0 12 6
F in e B lu e S te e l Specta cles, d o u b le-jo in t
F in e B lu e S te e l Sp ectac les, s in g le -jo in t
C om m o n Blu e S te e l Spe ctac les ..............
Sp ecta cles, w ith tin te d g l a s s e s ...................
H o rs e -sh o e F ram e s , w ith tin te d glasses..
Ra ilway Spectac les .......................................
New Glasses to Sp e cta cles, c o n v e x ............
N ew Glasses to Sp e cta cles, concave .......
D o u b le fo r Bra z ilian P eb b les.
S p e c ta c le C a s e s ...................................................
O p e ra Glasses, Rac e Glasses, Ho rizo n
Sweeps, &c. &c..
0 10 6
0 7 0 to 0 18 0
1 6 0
0 3 0 to 0 6
.......................... 0 14 0
.......................... 0 13 0
0 5 0
0 11 0
1 1 0
0 14 0
. p e r p a ir 0 3 0
. p e r p a ir 0 4 0
0 1 0
3 0 to 2 2 0
12 0 to 9 9 0
7 6 to
2 6 to
0 15
0 3
0 5
0 12
0 5
M ah o g an y Stereo sco p e, an d D ia g r am s ...............
T in Stereo sco p e, an d D ia g ram s ...............................
P h o to g ra p h ic Views o n glass ................................
D ag u e rreo ty p e s .................................................. from
T a lb o ty p e s ............................................................... »
Diag ram s, &c. &c.
S p a n ish M ah o g an y Box to h o ld 2 s tereoscopes a n d 2 4 slides
Sp an ish M ah o g an y Box to h o ld 1 s tereo sco p e an d 32 slides
S p an ish M ah o g an y Bo x to h o ld tw o dozen slides ...........
S p an ish M ah o g an y Box to h o ld o n e dozen Slides ............ 0 14
Cases fo r S tereo sco p es an d Slides m ad e to O rd e r.
0 to
. from
Drawing Instruments, &c.
W o lla s to n ’s C am e ra L u c id a, m o u n te d from 1 10
D raw in g In s trum e n ts fo r school u s e ..........................
D itto d itto in m ah o g an y case ...................................
D itto d itto in su p e rio r case, 3 ivory r u le s ..............
D itto d itto d itto in e le c trum ........................
D itto d itto d itto d itto d o u b le-jo in ted
Be am Com p asses ....................................................................... fr’on^
1 2 -in ch Iv o ry P lo ttin g Scales ...................from 0 7 6 to
1 2 -inch Boxwood P lo ttin g Scales, se t o f 3, with o f fs e ts .........
Iv o ry F o ld in g R u l e s ........................................................................ fi’om
Boxwood F o ld in g R u le s ............................................................... »»
P la in E b o n y P a ra lle l R u le s ......................................................... „
P la in R o llin g E b o n y P a ra lle l R u le s .......................................... „
Iv o ry -e d g e d a n d g ra d u a te d P a ra lle l R u le s ................p e r in ch
3 0 0
0 7 G
1 5 0
3 5 0
3 15 0
6 0 0
1 15 0
1 0 0
0 11 0
0 6 0
0 1 0
0 4 0
0 9 0
0 1 6
Barometers, Thermometers, &c.
P e d im e n t B a rom e te rs ...................................................................from 3 0 0
P e d im e n t B a rom e te r, b e s t, w ith flo a t g au g e 9 0 0
W h e el B a rom e te rs .............................................................................from 2 2 0
S ta n d a rd T h e rm om e te r ................................................................... „ 2 10 0
N e g r e tti’s M ax im um T h e rm om e te r 1 1 0
Six’s S e lf-re g is te rin g T h e rm om e te r 1 10 0
H o rizo n ta l S e lf-re g is te rin g T h e rm om e te r 0 17 0
Boxw o o d T h e rm om e te rs ..............................................................from 0 3 6
Simm o n s’s H y g r o m e t e r 2 2 0
R a in G au g es to O rd e r.
Air-Pumps and Electrical Machines
TO O R D E R .
P rin te d by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet S treet, London.