I, 2. Ag a ricu s (N au co ria ) semi-o rb icu laris. 3 , 4 . Agaricus (S tro p h a ria ) semi-g lo b atu s.
5, 6. Ag a ricu s (N a u c o ria ) pediades.
Figure 1 and F igure 2 above are of a small mushroom which grows in lawns and pastures, and is very easily mistaken f..r
those on Plate I I I . of Edible Mushrooms; hut, first, they have no point, but are strictly orbicnlar; second, the gills are
always discolored in age or decay as in Figure 7 above; third, the texture is soft, and the mushroom does not dr>- luml
by the sun and re-expaud with moisture as a Marasmius.
Figures 3 and 4 as also 5 and 6 illustrate species oftenest found in or on manure, and the above distinctions are equally true
of these two varieties. The above are not known to be assuredly poisonous, b u t have none of the esculent qualities of
the fairy-ring champignon. There are also other small fimgi of soft texture and doubtful quality closely resembling
these which grow in lawns and pastures, and the object of this plate is to te*ch the amateur to avoid all such. The
suspicious varieties of Marasmius do not grow w ith the edible species, b u t in woods.