I. Lycoperdon g ig an teu n i. Giant Puff-Ball. 2. Lycoperdon saccatum. Little Puff-Ball.
3. Lycoperdon g em m a tum . P e a r-sh a p e d Puff-Ball.
There are many varieties corresponding in most points with some one of the three above named, some growing on stumps,
but most of them appearing on sandy soils after heavy rains. None are poisonous.
TO CO O K . Make a batter, properly seasoned a,s for frying egg-plant, or beat up eggs for the same purpose; cut the
puff-balls into slices half an inch thick, and fry in boiling fat or on a buttered griddle. Puff-balls are also very good stewed with
the Coprinus, or w ith the ordinary mushroom, as their porous substance absorbs the stronger flavor.