thick, compact, firm, vanishing near the margin,
which is straight (never involute), spreading,
and without stri®. Stem solid, at first hard,
then softer and spongy. Of the gills, a few
reach half-way to the stem-; the others are
divided, rigid, dilated in front, and extend into
a very broad, rounded end, whence the margin
of the pileus becomes obtuse and not inflexed.
989. lactea, Pers. . 1070
990. var. incarnata . 1071
991. virescens, Schoeff. . 1039
992,, 993. cutefracta, Cooke . 1024, 1040
994, 995. lepida, Fries . 1072, 1073
996. rubra, D. Cand. .1025
997. var. atropurpúrea, Kromb. . 1087
998. Linnæi, Fries . . 1026
999, 1000. xerampelina, Schoeff. . 1053, 1074
1001. olivácea, Schoeff. . 1041
iv. H e t e r o p h y l l a s . Pileus fleshy, firm, covered
with a thin adnate pellicle, margin thin, at
first turned in, then expanded and striate.
Gills many shorter mixed with the longer
ones, others forked. „Stem solid, stout, spongy
1002. vesca, Fries . 1075
10036. Du Portii, Phil. . 10426
1004, lilacea, Quelet . . 1054
1005. azurea, Bres. . . 1088
1003a. serótina, Quelet . 1042a
1006, 1007, 1008. cyanoxantha, Schoeff. 1043, 1076,1077
1009, 1010. heterophylla, Fries 1044, 1045
1011. gáffihroa,’ Bull- . 1089
1012. consobrina, Fries " . 1H5Ó
1013. var. intermedia, CTce. . 1056
• 1014. var. sororia, Larb. . . 1057
1015. fcetens, Pers: , . 1046
1016. subfcetens, Smith . 1047
1017,. fellea, Fries . j d . . 1058 '
1018. elegans, Bres. . - . 1027
1019. Quelettii, Fries . 1028
1020. expallens, Gillet . 1029
v. F r a g i l e s . Pileus more or less fleshy, rigid, but
fragile, covered with a pellicle, always continuous,
viscid after rain, and somewhat separable,
margin membranaceous, at first closed in, but
not involute, when adult commonly sulcate and
tuberculose. Flesh usually fioccose, lax and
friable. Stem spongy, at length soft and hollow.
Gills almost all equal, simple, broadest in front,
free in the pileus when closed.
* Gills and spores white.
emetica, Fries .
var. clusii, Vitt.
var. fallax, Schceff.
pectinata, B u ll.
ochro*uca, Pers.
granulosa, Goolce
¡.ernginea, Fries
iragilis, Pers. .
var. violacea, Fr,
var. nivea, Fr.
fingibilis, Britz.
citrina, Gillet .
punctata, Gillet
** Gills and spores white, then yellow or bright
1033, 1034, veternosa, Fries
var. roseipes, Bres.
integra, Linn.
var. alba, Che.- t
decolorans, Fries
Barlx, Quelet.
aurata, With. .
nitida, Pi is.-.
var. cuprea, Krom.
1029. j
1036, 1037.
1044. ( pulchralis, Britz.
1045. armeniaca, Cooke
1046, 10-17. puellaris, Fries
Gills and spores ochre.
1048, 1049.
alutacea, Fries
ochracea, A. <£• S.
lutéa, Huds. . '
nauseosa, Pers.
vitellina, Pers.
chameleontina, Fries
. 1030
. 1031
. 1059
. 1101
. 1049
. 1038
. 1090
. 1091
. 1060a
. 10606
. 1048
. 1078
. 1032
1033, 1092
. 1081
1034, 1093
. 1094
. 1079
. 1061
. 1080
1062, 1063
. 10956
. 1095a
. 1064
1065, 1066
1096, 1097
. 1050
. 1082
. 1102a, 1147
. 11026
. 1098
Gen. 11. CANTHAB.ELI.1XS, Adams.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem, descending unchanged
into the trama. Gills thick, between fleshy and
waxy,®fold-like, rather branched, edge obtuse. Spores
white. Fleshy membranaceous putrescent fungi, veil none.
i. Mesopus. Pileus entire. Stem central.