942. umbrinus, Pers. ■ . .
943. pargameniis, Swartz. . .
944. piperatus, Scop.
945. vellereus, Fries
946. exsuccus, Otto. .
938. scoticus, B. Br.
Tribe 2. Dapetes. Stem central. Gills naked, milk at first
brightly coloured.
947. deliciosus, Linn.
Tribe 3. Russularia. Stem central. Gills pallid, then discoloured,
then darker, changing with the light, at length
pruinose with white. Milk at first white, either mi|||, or
mild then becoming acrid.
* Pileus at first viscid.
948. pallidus, Pers. . . .
949. quietus, Fries . . .
950. aurantiacus, FI. Dan. .
theiogalus, Bull
951. cremor, Fries' 1
yar. pauper, Karst, j '
952. vietus, Fries
953. cyathula, Fries . . .
** Pileus unpolished, squamulose, villous, or pruinose.
954. rufus, Scop.
955. helvus, Fries. . _ - ;...
956. tomentosus, Otto-.
i mammosus, Fries .
957. var. monstrosus, F r .. _
958. glyciosmus, Fries
959. fuliginosus, Fries .
960. picinus, Fries . ■■.
Q„1 ( lilacinus, Lasch.
' 1 spinosulus, Quel. var. .
Pileus polished, smooth.
962. volemus, Fries . . ■
963. ichoratus, Batsch.
964. serifluus, D. Cand.
965. mitissimus, Fries
966. subduleis, Bull'
var. Terrei, B Sf_Br..
( camphoratus, Fries - .
‘ \ cimicarius, Batsch.
968a. subumbonatus, Lind. .
969a. obnubilis, Lasch.
9683. minimus, Smith
. 999
. iooo
. 1012
. 1001
. 1002
. 1013a
. 10136
. 986a
. 1014a
. 9866
Tribe 4. Pleuropus. Stem excentric or lateral.
969’6-, o b l i q u u s j i ; . . .10145
GfBN. 10. RU S SU LA , Fers.
Veil none. Hymenophore descending unchanged into
the vesiculose trama. Gills rigid, fragile, not milky, edge
acute. Spores rounded, often echinulate, white, or becoming
yellow. Terrestrial, fleshy, putrescent fungi, stem
polished, pileus at first -or at lengthljspressed.
i. Compacts. Pileu Everywhere fleshy, hence the
margin at first turned in, always without stride,
or a distinct viscid pellicle (hence the colour not
variable, only changing with age, or the action
of the air), flesh firm, compact. Stem solid,
fle|ly. Gills unequal.
970. n i^ icanS Bull. . . . 1015
971. var. albp-nigra, Krom. . 1016
9i§:. ad*ta, Pets. . 1051
973. ! 1017
974. semicrema, . 1067
975. fi elica, 'Firms . 1068
Älephantina., Fries . ?
976. mustelin a, Fries .’ 1018
ii. F u rc a te . Pileus -¡compaeMfirm, covered with
a thin, closely adnate pellicle, which at length
disappears, margin abruptly thin, at first turned
in, then spreading, acute1, even. Stem at first
compact, at length soft and spongy within.
Gills rather forked, mixed with a few shorter
ones, commonly attenuated towards each end,
thin and normally narrow.
977. olivascens, Fries . . 1035
978. furcata, Pers. ' . . . 1036
979. var. pictipes, Cke. . . 1086
980. var. qchroviridis, Cke. . 1100
981. sanguinea, Bull . . 1019
982. ro's'acea, . . 1020
98® maculata, Quel. . . 1069
9.84. sardonia, Fries ^ . . 1037
980. depai lens, Fries . . 1021
986. purpurea, Gillet . . 1022
987. cerulea, Pers. . . . 1052
■ $ ¿ 8 drimaeia,|8|lfÌ0 . . . 1023
h i. Rigid.®. Pileus destitute of a viscid pellicle,
absolutely dry, rigid, the cuticle commonly
breaking up into flocci or granules. Flesh