* Capsules immersed iu the substance o f the frond.
1. G r a c i l a r ia p u r p u r a s c e n s .
Froiul cylindrical elongated much branched, ramuli setaceous scat tered
attenuated at each extremity, capsules spherical immersed in tlie
ramuli and younger branches.
Sphcerocavms purpurrtscens, Ag. S p . Alg. v. 1. p . 3111. Sy.st. Alg. p . 23«. S p r e n g . S p .
P I . V. 4. p . 339.
Gigartina purpurascens, L am o u r . E s s a i, p . 1.%'. L y n g b . H y d ro p h . D a n . p . 46. t. 12.
G re v . F I . E d in . p . 290.
Fucus purpurascens, H u d s . F I. A n g l. p . 589. S m . E n g . B o t. t . 1243. T u r n . S y n . F u r .
p . 357 H is t. F u c . t . 9 .
H a b . In the sea, growing on rocks and the larger Alga;. Annual.
July to November. Frequent on tbe shores of England, Scotland, and
Root a small disk, throwing out many clasping fibres. Fronds nine
inches to two feet in length, rising generally with an undivided stem
as thick as a crow-quill, attenuated, set from the bottom to the top
with numerous branches irregular in length, which in their turn bear a
second and a third series, the smallest being only a few lines in length,
all of them attenuated at each extremity, and arising at an acute angle.
Fructification : 1- spherical capsules immersed in the substance of the
smaller branches; 2. roundish-ovate granules, with a pellucid border
imbedded in the circumference of the branches, in distinct plants.
Substance between gelatinous and cartilaginous, adhering to paper
in drying. Colour a pale diaphanous brownish or purplish pink.
The branches of this species occasionally terminate in capillary tendrils,
which twist themselves round other Algse. In this state it has
been found on the southern coast by Mr Pigott and Mrs Griffiths. I
have received specimens in the same state from 'Professor Hornemann,
gathered on the coast of Denmark. A variety is also noticed by
Agardh, which was communicated to him by my friend Dr Gillies,
from the Orkney Islands; it is characterized, according to that author,
by a compressed frond and distichous branches. A third variety is
also recorded as having been sent' from the same coast by Dr Gillies,
only two inches in height, with a roundish general outline, capillary
and dichotomous, the ramuli inflated, and containing granules.
* * Capsules external,
2. 'G r a c i l a r ia c o n f e r v o id e s .
Frond cylindrical irregularly branched, branches elongated mostly
undivided bearing scattered setaceous ramuli attenuated at each end,
capsules scattered roundish with a subacute orifice.
S p h tB T O c o c e u s c o n f e r v o i d e s , A g . S p . A lg . v . 1. p . 303. S y s t. A lg . p . 232. S p r e n g . S p . P I.
V. 4. p . 338.
Gigartina confervoides, L am o u r . E s s a i, p . 136. L y n g b . H y d r o p h . D a n . p . 43.
F u c u s c o n f e r v o i d e s , L lim . S p . P I . v . 2. p . 1629. T u m . S y n . F u c . p . 328. H i s t . F u c . t . 84.
Sm . E n g . B o t. t . 1668.
Fucus verrucosus, H u d s . E l. A n g . p . 588. S t a c k h . N e r . B r i t . p . 26. t . 8.
Fucus gracilis, S ta c k h . N e r . B r i t . p . 100. t. 16.
V a r . (3. procerrima, b r a n c h e s v e r y lo n g , g e n e r a lly s im p le , a n d a lm o s t n a k e d . T u r n ,
Fucus longissimus, S ta c k h . N e r . B r i t . p . 99. t . 16.
V a r . -y. alMda, f r o n d c om p r e s s e d , m o s t ly d ic h o to m o u s , r a m u l i s u b u la te .
Fucus albidus, H u d s , F I. A n g l. p . 588.
V a r . s . geniculata, f r o n d d i s to r te d , a n d b e n t a s i f b r o k e n a t th e tu b e r c le s .
H a b . In the sea, growing on the rocks. Perennial. In fruit
chiefly from August to October, but occasionally all the year. Coast
of Cornwall, Stackhouse. Devonshire, very abundant, Mrs Griffiths.
Shores of the Isle of Wight, Mr Maimburg. Coast of Sussex, Mr
Borrer. Coast of Norfolk, Mr Wigg. Coast of Suff'olk, Mrs
Fowler. Coast of Wales, Dillwyn. Frith of Tay, Rev. J. Macvicar.
Root a small disk. Fronds many from the same base, cylindrical,
filiform, three to twenty inches in length or more, as thick as small
twine, attenuated upwards, variously branched : sometimes divided near
the bottom into a few almost simple long branches ; sometimes almost
fastigiate, at others dichotomous ; the smaller hranches irregularly scattered,
not unfrequently partially secund, like the primary branches,
either few or numerous, remote or crowded : all of them are spreading,
attenuated at both ends and set with a greater or less number of rateuli,
a few lines in length. Fructification : 1. sessile roundish capsules,
smaller than turnip-seed, terminated with a subacute prominent orifice,
situated on every part of -the branches, and containing a mass of
minute ovate seeds : 2. minute ovate red granules, imbedded in the
branches on distinct plants.
Substance cartilaginous aud flexible. Colour deep red, or pale
purplish-red, becoming greenish, and at last white in decay. In drying,
it does not adhere to paper,
The chai-acters of the varieties of this species are sufficient to shew