9. A. Adiantum-nigrum, Linnoeus.—Frond bipinnate,
triangular. Plate X II. fig. 2.
ix. C e t e r a c h , Willdenow.
1. C. oificinarum, Willdenow.— The only species.
Plate I. fig. 1.
X. S c o lo p e n d r iu m , Smith.
1. S. vulgare, Symons.— The only species. Fronds
strap-shaped, entire. Plate XV. fig. 1.
b. polyschides.— Fronds narrow, irregularly lobed,
c. crispum.—Fronds much undulated at the margin,
usually barren.
d. multifidum.—Fronds multifid at the apex.
xi. P t e r i s , Linnoeus.
I. P. aquilina, Linnoeus.— The only species.
a. vera.— Inferior pinnules pinnatifid.
b. integerrima.— All the pinnules entire. Plate
XVII. fig. 1.
xii. A d ia n tu m , Linnoeus.
I. A. Capillus-Veneris, Linnoeus.—The only species.
Plate XVI. fig. I.
xiii. B lechnum, Linnoeus.
1. B. Spicant, Both.—The only species. Plate XVI.
fig. 2.
xiv. T richomanes, Linnoeus.
1. T. radicans, Swartz.—The only species. Plate
XV III. fig. I .
XV. H ymenophyllum, Smith.
1. H. tunbridgense, —Piimæ vertical, involucres
compressed, serrate. Plate XV. fig. 2.
2. H. unilaterale, Willdenow. — Pinnæ unilateral, involucres
inflated, entire. Plate XV. fig. 3.
F. Osmundaceæ.
xvi. Osmunda, Linnoeus.
1. 0 . regalis, Linnoeus.—The only species. Plate
XIX. fig. 2.
G. Ophioglossaceæ.
xvii. Ophioglossum, Linnoeus.
I. 0 . vulgatum, Linnoeus.—The only species. Plate
X V III. fig. 3.
xviii. B otrychium, Linnoeus.
I . B. Lunaria, Linnaius.— The only species. Plate
X V III. fig. 2.