Stone walls near Dalwliinnie, and on the neighbouring
mountains, Morayshire.
W. H ig h l a n d s .—Ben Nevis; Gnarrow; Ben Aulder, Western
Inverness-sliire. Argyleshire. Loch Lomond, Dumbartonshire.
Ben-na-Cailhoh, Skye. Isle of Mull.
N. H ig h l a n d s .—Eoss-shire. Sutherlandshhe.
W. I s l e s .—Eoddal, Harris.
U l st e e .—Carrickfergus, Antrim. Sleive Bignian; Moume
mountains. Down.
L e in s t e e .—Carlingford mountain, Louth.
P e n in s u l a .—Cornwall. Devonshire. Somersetshire.
Ch a n n e l .—Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Dorsetshire.
Wiltshire. Sussex.
T h am e s .— Hertfordshire. Middlesex. Kent. Surrey. Berkshire.
Buckinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Essex,
Ou s e .—Bedfordshire. Suffolk. Norfolk. Cambridgeshire.
Se v ek n .—Warwickshire. Gloucestershire. Herefordshire. Worcestershire.
Staffordshire. Shropshire.
S. W a l e s .—Glamorganshire. Carmarthenshire. Pembrokeshire.
N. W a l e s .—Anglesea. Denbighshire. Merionethshire. Fhnt-
shire. Carnarvonshire.
T r e n t .— Leicestershire. Rutland. Nottinghamshire. Derbyshire.
M e r se y .—Cheshire. Lancashire.
H um b e r .—Yorkshire.
Ty n e .—Durham. Northumberland.
L a k e s .—AVestmoreland. Cumberland. North Lancashire.
W. L ow l a n d s .—Dumfriesshire. Kircudbrightshhe. Ayrshhe.
Lanarkshire. Renfrewshire.
E. L ow l a n d s .—Roxburghshire. Berwickshire. Edinburghshire.
E. H ig h l a n d s .—Clackmannanshire. Kinross-shire. Eifeshire.
Rertlisliire. Eorfarshire. Kincardineshire. Aberdeenshire.
Banffshire. Morayshire. Nairnshire.
W. H ig h l a n d s .—Inverness-shire. Argyleshire. Dumbartonshire.
Isles of Islay, Cantyre, Arrau, and Iona. Ailsa
N. H ig h l a n d s .—Cromarty. Sutherlandshire. Caithness.
N. I s l e s .—Orkney.
W. I s l e s .—Tarbet, Hams.
U l st e r .—Antrim. Down (the acute form).
Co n n a u g h t .—Galway. Arran Isles.
L e in s t e r .—Meath.
M u n s t e r .—Kerry (the acute form). Coi’k (also the acute form
at Tralee).
Ch a n n e l I s l e s .—Jersey.
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