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Groena K loa f— The mountains covered with fnow— In confequence o f the zoeaiher we return to the eaflward, and crofs the Plata K lo o f into the Channa Land— Arrive at a hot bath— Country abounding with beafls o f prey— Air. Van Renan and the author lofe the waggon— Travel through the Karo; advancing towards the Coud Bokke Veld— Whitfon Berg— Unlucky River— Arrive at a bracki/h fountain— V ift two o f the boors that live in the Karo during the feafon in which the mountains are covered with fnow— Obfervations on a dfeafe among theJheep in this country— Account o f a woman who had been bitten by a fnake— Arrive at Rhinoceros Bofch with difficulty— Get up the Rogge Veld Berg : fo il and climate— Some obfervations refpeBing the highlands in this country— Herds o f Quachas— Borders o f the country inhabited by the Bojhmen— V ift the Hentum— D if- order among the horfes peculiar to this country— The Amaryllis Dylicha, poifonous and fa ta l to horned cattle— Obfervations on the fudden change o f the climate at the Hentum Berg— Proceed towards the Bokke Land Bergen: the fo il and produBions— Proceed towards the Great River— Arrive at the Great Thorn R iv er: much frequented by Lions— Pafs a place called the L ion’s Den— The water very bad in this country— Come to Black Thorn River— The Small Nimiqua Land— Arrive at the Green River, where we meet with fome Nimiqua Hottentots: fome account o f their manners and cufoms— Afcend afteep mountain: obferve the Atlantic Ocean to the wef- ward about thirty miles— Arrive at the Coufe, or Sand River— An account o f the Aloe Dichotoma— Pafs the Copper Berg— Meet fome o f the Bofh- men: their way o f living— Enter a fandy defart plain ; where we have ■ great difficulty in croffing— Much d frejfed fo r want ofprovfons— Some account o f the Great River— The mountains and produBions o f that country— Thepoifons ufed by the Hottentots— Difagreeable ftu a tion o f M r. Van R enan in croffing the river— Hottentots eat lo c ifs— Account o f the quadrupeds that chiefy inhabit this part o f the country— Mr. Van Renan kills a Camelopardalis; the greatef part o f which is carried off by the Lions—Some account o f the fudden overfowing o f the river, and the great heat o f the climate— Shoot an Hippopotamus: fome account o f the manner in which the natives catch thefe animals— Zebras Fountain— Difficulties in croffing a fandy plain ~r-Send fo r qffiftance— Arrival at the Brack Fountain-Small Copper Berg Fountain— V ift the copper mines— Camis Berg, thefumrner refdence o f mof o f the boors in the Nimiqua Land— Proceed to Cafpers Kloaf, and thence towards the Bokke Veld— Intention o f croffing the country from the BokkeVeldtoCaffraria— Reafonsfor not being able to perform that journey—• V ift part o f the Bofmens Land— Arrive at the Elephants River— Continue our journey to the Heer Lodfeiment— Picquet Berg— Arrive at the Berg River; thence proceed to the Cape Tozm— Arrive 2.0th November 1778. T H I R D J O U R N E Y . Caffraria quite unknown to Europeans— Channa Lands Height— Well cultivated farmofOkker Hynns— Lange K loa f—Crooked River— Camtours Rivier— Forref o f Mimofa— Lorie River— Van Stada’s River— Curious plants and animals— Defcription o f the Hartebeef— Zout Pan, a curious fa it lake— Total negleB o f agriculture in this country— Wild Dogs— Sondags Rivier, nine hundred miles from the Cape— State o f the Dutch boors in this country— Sand Fleet— Chonacquas— Wars between the Cho- nacquas and Caffres— Cattle ftolen by the Caffres— Great Fiffi River— Curious plant— Hunting the Buffalo— Difficulty o f croffing the woods— Fxtenfeve profpeB o f the Indian Ocean, & c .— Caffraria; hofpitalily o f the peopli— Manners o f the Caffres— King o f the Caffres; his palace and rural fat e ; hofpitaiity and generofty o f this monarch— Curious manufaBures o f Caffraria— Method o f making bread from the pith o f the palm tree— FaBion among the Caffres— Defcription o f the country and people— Soil and climate— Adventures on returning— Klowfcknefs among the cattle. F O U R T H J O U R N E Y . Rie Beck’s Cafle— Verloren Valley— Lofe our way— Joined by Colonel Gordon — Separate again— Depredations by Lions— Hartebeef Rivier— Joined again by Colonel Gordon— Arrive at the laß houfe to the northward, along the Atlantic Ocean— Fear o f the natives to accompany us— Dreary defarts — AffliBingfcarcity o f water— LofeMr.Pinar, Colonel Gordon’s companion — O f rich’s nefi— Orange River— Beautiful plants— Meet with Mr. Pinar;

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