viii ADVERTI S EMENT . are here prefented with a feries of fa£ts, noted down upon the fpot, without any after additions, with no ornaments of rhetoric, with nothing to recommend them but the fimple form of truth, and perhaps fome degree of accuracy. As the author was fo fortunate as to vifit in the courfe of thefe travels fome parts which had never previoufly been explored by Europeans, he flatters himfelf he has added a few fadds to the general ftock of natural and geographical knowledge. C O N T E N T S . F I R S T J O U R N E Y . Introduction— Set o ff with Captain Gordon from the Cape, in October 1777_ Journey along the Jkore o f Bay Falfe— Natural productions in that part — Hottentot Holland— Hang Lip—Palmita Rivier— Knojlick Kraal R ivier to the How Hook—Informaiion refpeding a Lion being killed— Warm bath: fome obfcrvations on the heat o f the water— Departure from the hot bath— F irjl Hottentot Kraal near the Tyger Hock—Breed Rivier— Arrive at Zwellendam, refdence o f the Lend Drojl— Proceed to Groot Faders Bofch — Land o f Egypt: its production— Crofs the Plata K loa f to the Channa Land— Obfervations o fth e u fe o f Channa with Dacka— Climate and fo il— Slang, or Snake River— Saffron River— Elephants River—An accident happens to our waggon— Arrive at a hot bath— The manner o f fecuring our cattle at night from Lions, & c.— Beer Valley,— The extent o f this journey— Captain Gordon proceeds towards the Snow Mountain— Return towards the Cape—Meet with fome gentlemen who had been making a fu r- viy o f the country—Chonacqua Hottentots— Circumfance refpeding the killing o f a Lionefs— Meet with fome peafants on their way to the Cape— Arrive at Atquas Kloaf—Short account o f Hottniqua Land—Arrive at the Cape. S E C O N D J O U R N E Y . Tyger Berg— Stillen Bofch— The E rjl Rivier— Pafs Hottentot Holland’s K loaf — Come to the river Zondereynd: the impracticability o f croffing it— Remain here fo r feveral days— Vifit Catharina Bay— Proceed towards the b
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