C vii 3 A D V E R T I S E M E N T . I n the following pages, the reader is not pre- fented with a romance under the title of a book of travels. It would not have been very difficult to have depidded an Arcadia among the defarts of Africa j or to have afcribed all the delicacy and refinement of Athens to the inhabitants o f Caf- fraria. It is fcarcely an eafier talk to obferve than to invent; and the embelliihments of the clofet are frequently known to furnilh out a very fpecious publication from very (lender materials. In producing the prefent work, none of the common arts of compilation have been employed \ but this circumftance it is prefumed will not lelfen its value in the eyes of rational perfons : fince what it lofes in entertainment it gains in authenticity. The public may depend upon it, that they
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