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diflrefsfulJituation o f that gentleman, and the Hottentots who accompanied him— Wild M en: unable toform any intercourfe with them: defeription o f their huts— Converfe at length with, the natives— The Country very thinly inhabited— Government and manners o f thefe favages— Plant vfed by the Hottentots to produce fire— Herd o f Zebras—Horned Snake— Part with Colonel Gordon— Copper Berg— Defcription o f the woods on Orange River, and the animals found there— Lions River—Manners o f the people in this part o f Africa— Curious fpecies o f Sheep— Obfervations on the African mountains—Camelopardalis—Small Nimiqua Land—Camdinie Rivier—. Hunting the Antelope— Plant made ufe o f fo r poifoning Hyenas, NARRATIVE OF FOUR JOURNEYS. T H E F I R S T J O U R N E Y . Introduflion— Set o f with Captain Gordon from the Cape, in OElober 1777 — Journey along the fhore o f Bay Fafe— Natural Produüions in that part— Hottentot Holland— Hang Lip— Palmita Rivier— Knofiick Kraal to the How Hook— Information refpeüing a Lion being killed— Warm bath; fome obfervations on the heat o f thé water— Departure from the hot bath.— First Hottentot Kraal near the Tyger Hock— Breed Rivier— Arrive at Zwillendam, refidence o f the Lend Drost— Proceed to Groot Faders Bofch— Land o f Egypt ; its production— Crofs the Plata K lo ef to the Chdrina Land— Obferyations o f the ufe o f Channa with Dacka— Cli- ' mate and fo il— Slang, or Snake River-—Saffron River— Elephants River — An accident happens to our waggon— Arrive at a hot bath— The manner o f fecuring our cattle at night from Lions, Site.— Beer Valley— The extent o f this journey— Captain Gordon proceeds towards the Snow Mountain— Return towards the Cape— Meet with fome Gentlemen who’had been making a furvey o f the country— Chonacqua Hottentots— Circumflance refpeCbing the killing o f a Lionefs— Meet with fome Peafants on their •way to the Cape— Arrive at Atquas Kloef— Short Account o f Hottniqua Land— Arrive at the Cape. THERE is certainly no part of the world fo little known to Europeans as thofe regions of Africa, which lie fouth of the equinoctial line. Neither the reftlefs ambition of an cient Rome, nor the equally enterprifing fpirit of commerce, have penetrated beyond a certain limit. Satisfied with the conqueft and productions of thofe provinces which bordered B

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