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Ninety, Fee lekar One hundred, Mea Poor man, Koua telleka Sick man, Koua laka Gussub, Ergum Handsome woman, Kamoo angala Very hot to-day, Kou dzQW Very cold, Kako ngubboo Very dirty, Teginy kadafooa Very dean, Teginy angala Dead, Nuee I, Ooma You, Nema Mine, Kakay Yours, Kakanem Sandals, Sono Cap, Geaqua You know every thing, Summa nunumba I know nothing, Afeema noniskeni I know, Noniski Bring supper, Coutai bree I wish to eat, Maniskin buskin I look for food, Manimin boomin I do not wish, Naguski baco Have you got a little ? Agoga nashe I have nothing, Afeema baco Honey, Koñiagun Wood, Kuska At night eat supper, Booni bree boyee Morning meal, Cheny feleski I must go home, Will you, or will you not ? Oola niske fatto Rakami, rouanimy I will not, Waniskee Yes, Geree No, Wankee Breast, Gungy Quick, Doua Come, make haste, Arai doua Black, Sellem Red, Kemmy White, Bull Grass, Kajum Straw, Soogoo Mat, Suggady I have many bullocks, Nanin fean’ gubboo A great warrior, Bendugoo gubboo I must buy a shirt, Koulko manki efeski Tell me directly, Manany doua I have no money, Nani gourse baco I have no friend? Sobany baoo You are my friend, Nema sobany You are not my friend, Ne sobany gani I wish to sleep, Manki boniske I do not sleep in the Kou boniske bàco day, Where is good water, Indaran inki, angala very good ? lintia This water is not good, Inki ada angaLjgìinì Not good, Angalâgânÿ I will give you nothing, Afeema giski baco Call him, Booboonimin Don’t beat him,. Wata edkonimy Strong, Kibboo Weak, Kibboo gany Strong slave, Keir kibboo I wish to return to my Bellany laniski country, Lion, Kourgilly Ichneumon, Chorma How many children Tetoua ndago nanimin have you ? Where is your country ? Ndara bellanem You are very handsome, Angala lintia Come with me, Yeronemin langav Go I cannot, Lanem baco I am tired, M’bareski Whip, Kourfo ' Turban, Aliafo Sword, Kazager Looking-glass, Koutrum Face, Fiska My free, Fiskany Your face, Fiskanem His face, Fiskansa Their faces, Fiskanday My foot, Sheeny Your foot, Sheenum His foot, Sheensay Their feet, Sheenday All their feet, Sheenday andi su u um Beard, N’chitty Foot, Shee Feet, Shee ndiso Fingers, Gulandoni Toes, Fergamij Who is that ? N’dee aty What is that"? Aty a fee What is your name ? Nin dhu Presently, Wakay Wait a little, Daga dago White trowsefs, Yangay bull White shirt, Kpkoo bull Blue shirt, Kulgoo kagi Pillow, Beeree Where are you going ? Ndara doony min Where are you come Ndara kadim from ? '■r From the sheikh’s house Fatto shoukobe ku- I come, disco To-day, Kow Yesterday, Biska The day before yesterday, Ass, Mule, Handkerchief, Crocodile, Hippopotamus, . Many mosquitoes, Hyena, Elephant, Calf, Cow, Where are your shoes ? Where is your cap ? A bad man, You are bad, Do you wish that woman ? Not that one ? This I wish, Man, Woman, A strong man, Two men, Two women, Camel, Camel’s saddle, Riding camel or ma- herhy, Wear your cap ; the sun is strong, My house, The house of me, I will come at night, It is now night, Why did you not come yesterday ? I could not come, . I am come to-day, I am angry, Always, I go on horseback, Horse, I go on foot, Your house, His house, All their houses are one, Give me this, A little, not much, Take care, Now give me, Shut the door, Not now, By and by, Biskada I will give you a handsome shirt, Koro Koro la fuddera I will dress you prettily, Futtha. Not used Hear me, I say, Tim sa, karem God bless you, Nghroot May you live for ever, Kantano n’gubboo Goa send you a happy Dela old age, literally gray Kamägun hairs, Kena gana Bring water to wash Kena my hands, Sononem daran To wash your hands, Geaqua n’daran Like a Bomowy, Koati dibbe Near, Nema dibbe A long way off, Kamo ati rakami Why are you afraid ? < You come directly ? Ati waniski too ra- The day after to-morguski row, Kam Eat you, Kamo I can read, Kamqua Can you read ? Kuandee I cannot, Kamundee ^ I know, Kelgimmo You know, Kantergue He knows, Kelgimmo serdebee We know, Ye know, Geaqua coutai kou They know, n’gubboo Every body knows, Fany Nobody knows, Fatto kakai • Gazelle, Ou boone leniske Ducks, Kerama boone Vulture, Afero biska issamy Monkey, bah Buffalo, Issiskany I will not go, Kou issisky I will come, Ou gergan iskana Is it necessary for you ? Zaar It is necessary, Kela furby linisky Now, Fur, or Pur Not now, but in a little, Sheenin linisky Fanem Why is your cap off ? Fansa It fell off, Andi summa fanday My horse, . teló Your horse, Ougoaty orashe His horse, Gana My hut, . Zebba Your hut, Kormashee His hut, Suganay tapali Onions, Kormakany Wheat, . Oo kanowaä Gussub, Koulko angala noro- weskin Kasamow angala noro- weskin Fanimy Allah kabunsho Engoubourou dagah Allah kiaro Inki coutai muskowy toliske Muskonem tolei Kanourin kalcal Karengha Kiento rinta Afero ranimin Kurma ma duaree Wagoro Nema booy, Rageski karaengen Ne karanemin bah Karaniskin baco Ooma nongana Nema nonema Shema nosena Amgaso nony-enna Ande amgaso Nony-enna Amsemma nozana Ondooma nozana baco Engiy Enguddoo Quogoo Daggel Zamouse Laniski baco Lazusko Ragumba Ragiski Kurma Kurmagany, laga too- siny Afero geaquanem gogo Oogony konusko Furny Furnem Furnsa Engiminy Engiminem Engiminsa L’bussel Cornali Arkum

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