Fig, 1.—Half of a transverse section of the
tooth of a Python, magnified 120 linear
times; a, pulp-cavity; b, peripheral part of
dentine; c, enamel. Fig. 2. Dentinal
tubes of ditto, magnified 500 linear diameters.
Fig. 3. Section of the base of a
tooth of the Iguana tuberculata, magnified
350 linear diameters. Original.
Fig. 1.-—Uromastyx. 1'. Inside view of
two of the anchylosed teeth, and their
transverse section. Fig. 2. Lacerta ocel-
lata. 2", magnified tooth and transverse
section. Fig. 3. Chameleo bifurcus. 3-.
Inside view of an anchylosed tooth. Fig. 4.
Gecko (Thecodactylus Icevis). 4 '. Single
tooth. Fig. 5. Lower jaw of a large species
of Scincus. 5". One of the teeth magnified.
Cuvier. Fig. 6. Thorictes Dracaena,
upper and lower jaws. Fig. 7. Cyclodus
nigroluteus, b b, successional teeth. In
each of the above figures, a, is the
intermaxillary; b, maxilla ry ; e, dentary;
d. articular; e, angular ; f , surangular;
g, coronoid; h, splenial or opercular.
Fig. 1.—Longitudinal section of a tooth
and portion of the alveolar parapet of a
Monitor Lizard (Varams), magnified 250
linear diameters, a, Enamel; b, dentine;
c, bone; d, vascular canals. Fig. 2. A
small portion from the exterior of the
same tooth, magnified 500 linear times.
a, Enamel; b, dentine, showing the small
lateral branches of the tubes,
Fig. 1.—A greatly reduced view of the fossil
jaws of the MosasaurusHoffmanni: b, superior
maxillary; d, d, pterygoid bones and
teeth. Fig. 2. Half the base of the skull
of the Iguana tuberculata: a, intermaxillary
; b, maxillary ; c, palatine ; d, pterygoid
or ento-pterygoid; e, transverse or
exo-pterygoid bones; f , process of ento-
pterygoid ; g, basi-sphenoid; h, basi-
occipital. Fig. 3. Lower jaw of Varams
crocodilinus: c, dentary; d, articular;
f , sur-angular; g, coronoid; h, splenial.
Fig. 3'. A single tooth magnified, of the
same. Fig. 4. Inside view of lower jaw
of the Varams niloticus. 4’. A single
tooth magnified, of the same. Fig. 5. Outer
side of crown of tooth of Pliosaurus. 5
& 5” . The two other sides of the same
trihedral crown.
Fig. 1.—Portion of a transverse section
of the crown of the maxillary tooth
of the Iguana tuberculata: a, enamel,
b, dentine ; magnified 350 linear diameters.
• Fig. 2. The termination of a
single dentinal tube, magnified 500 linear
diameters. Fig. 3. A reduced view of
half a transverse section of a maxillary
tooth of the Mosasaurus, magnified 230
linear diameters, a, enamel; b, dentine.
Fig. 1.—Tooth of the Iguanodon, outer
side. Fig. 2. The same, inner side.
Fig. 3. Fragment of an old tooth much
worn down. Fig. 4. Tooth of a young
Iguanodon. Fig. 5. Crown of an incompletely
formed successional tooth of Iguanodon.
Fig. 6. Skull of the Iguana
cornuta. Fig. 7. Inside view of lower jaw
of ditto, showing the pleurodont mode of
attachment of the teeth and the germs of
their successors. Fig. 8. Reduced view
of portion of the lower jaw of the Mega-
L losaurus Bucklandi: a, successional teeth
; b, outer alveolar wall; c, transverse par-
I titions. Fig. 9. Edge-view of a tooth,
I with portion of jaw, of the Megalosaurus.
[ Fig. 10.. Side view of the same tooth,
| with dotted outline of pulp-cavity. Fig.
! 11. Transverse section of ditto. Buckland.
PLATE 70. M .
Wig. 1.—Nat. size, of Fig. 2, part of a
I transverse section of the tooth of the
I Megalosaurus, magnified 250 diameters.
1 Fig. 3. A peripheral portion of the
I same, magnified 500 linear diameters:
I a, dentine; b, boundary cells between
K the dentine and c, the enamel. Original.
^Outline of a transverse section of the tooth
I of the Iguanodon, and a magnified view
K of the moiety including the pulp cavity a ;
I b, the vaso-dentine; c, stratum of minute
K cellules. The opposite part of the section
K is composed of hard unvascular dentine.
I Original.
,Fig. 1.-—A portion of jaw, with two teeth,
K of the Leiodon anceps: a, crown; a1,
1 anchylosed base; b, fractured base of
■ -crown. I 1 Transverse section of crown.
E Fig. 2. Fractured anchylosed base of the
■ same. Fig. 3. Crown of the tooth of
K: the Polyptychodon continuus. Fig. 4. Front
■ and back views of the crown of a tooth
K .of the Polyptychodon interruptus. 4• Out-
I line of transverse section of same tooth.
Fig. 5. Outline of transverse section of
II .the tooth of the Pliosaurus. Original.
Fig. 1* A tooth of Ichthyosaurus inter -
I medius. Fig. 2. A tooth of Ichth. lon-
jl chiodon, with a transverse section of
the grooved base below. Fig. 3. A tooth
of Ichth. platyodon, viewed edge-wise with
an outline of the transverse section of the
crown. Fig. 4. A tooth of Ichth. communis,
with an outline of the transverse section of
the crown. Fig. 5. A tooth of Ichth. tenui-
rostris. Fig. 6. A tooth of the Ichth. platyodon,
showing the cavity a, produced by the
pressure of a new tooth. Fig. 7. A section
through the tooth and lower jaw of
the Ichth. communis, showing the young
tooth, c, which has penetrated into the
cavity formed by progressive absorption
in the fang or base of the old tooth, a,
remnant of the pulp-cavity; b, consolidated
base; d, is a section of the dental
canal. Fig. 8. Section of a tooth of the
Ichth. communis showing a, remains of
the pulp-cavity in the crown, filled by
spar; b, ossified base. Fig. 9. Portion
of alveolar groove with indications of
septa. Fig. 10. Tooth of the Plesiosaurus
macrocephalus. Original.
Fig. 1.—Longitudinal section of the crown
of the tooth of the Ichthyosaurus inter-
medius, magnified 250 linear diameters.
Fig. 2. A peripheral portion of the same
section, magnified 40.0 linear diameters :
a, dentine ; b. enamel, nat. size. Original.
Fig. 1.—Longitudinal section of the apex of
the crown of the tooth of the Plesiosaurus
Hawkinsii, magnified 250 linear
diameters. Fig. 2. A peripheral portion
of the same section, magnified 700 linear
diameters. Original.
Fig. 1.—A tooth of the Crocodilus bipor-
catus, with the size and form of the
b 2