T H O M A S B E L L , F.R.S.
P R O F E S S O R O F Z O O L O G Y IN K IN G ’ S C O L L E G E , L O N D O N , &C.
M y dear B e l l ,
Independently of the pleasure with which I embrace this opportunity
of expressing the feelings of Friendship and Esteem which I have long
entertained towards you, there is no one to whom the present Work could
with more propriety be dedicated than the acute Observer who was the
first to point out Pathological Phenomena in the Human Teeth, consistent
only with a higher organization and mode of development than it has been
usual to attribute to them, but which it is the chief object of the following
pages to demonstrate as common to the teeth of all vertebrate animals.
I am,
Your’s, very sincerely,
R ichard O w en .
LONDON, JUNE 18, 1845.