Section 146. Zeuglodon . . 360
„ 147. Halicore . 364 TEETH OF BIMANA.
„ 148. Manatus . . 371 Page
„ 149. Halitherium . 372 Section 173. Number and Form . 451
» 17f. Comparison of the deci-
CHAPTER V. duous teeth of the Orang,
Chimpanzee, and Human TEETH OF MARSTJPIALIA. Subject . . . 455 Section 150. Sarcophaga . 373 >» 175. Succession 457
„ 151. Entomophaga . 376 „ 176. Microscopic Structure 458 „ 152. Carpophaga . 381 177. Adaptation to the food and
, , 153. Poephaga 388 nature of Man 471
„ 154. Rhizophaga . 393
„ 155. Diprotodon . 394 CHAPTER XI.
„ 156. Nototherium . 396 TEE'THr flt? f'lrxmr/M) *
„ 157. Microscopic Structure ib. in iü iin Ui LAaMIVURA.
Section 178. General characters . 473
CHAPTER VI. » 179. Canidæ . . . . 475
,L 180. Viverridæ 480 TEETH OF EODENTIA. 181. Hyæna Section 158. Number and form . 482 . 398 ,, 182. Felidæ . . . . 486
„ 159. Structure . 404 „ 183. Machairodus . 490
„ 160. Succession . . . 410 » 184. Mustelidæ 494
CHAPTER VII. 185. Melidæ 498 186. Sub-Ursidæ . . , 500
TEETH OF INSECTIVORA. „ 187. Ursidæ . 501
Section 161. Talpidse 412 « 188. Phocidæ. 505
„ 162. Soricidm 416 » 189. Composition and Micro,
, 163. Erinaceidse 419 scopie Structure . 511
„ 164. Structure and Succession 420 >> 190. Classification of Molars of
CHAPTER VIII. Carnivora . . , 514
Section 165. Number and Form. 424 TEETH OF UNGULATA.
, , 166. Structure and Succession 429 Isodactyle Ungulates . 523
CHAPTER IX. Section 191. Anöplotherium ib.
» 192. Ruminantia . 527 TEETH OF QUA DRUM ANA. „ 193. Microscopic Structure 537 Section 167. Galeopithecus. 433 f) 194. Succession 540 „ 168. Cheiromys . . . 435 „ 195. Suidæ . . . . 543 „ 169. Lemuridse 437 196. Sus . . . . 544 , , 170. Platyrhines . , 439 197. Phacochærus . 549 „ 171. Catarhines 441 198. Succession . . 554 „■ 172. Succession and Structure 447 » 199. Microscopic Structure . 557
Section 200. Chseropotamidse . . 559
» 201. Hyracotherium . . 561
>, 202. Chaeropotamus . . ib.
» 203. Hippohyus .. . . 562
» 204. Hippopotamus . . 563
» 205. Hexaprotodon . . 566
„ 206. Merycopotamus . . ib.
» 207. Anthracotherium . . 567
„ 208. Microscopie Structure . ib.
„ 209. Succession . . . 571
Anisodactyle Ungulates.
„ 210. Equidse . . . 572
„ 211. Microscopie Structure . 576
„ 212. Succession . . . 580
,, 213. Toxodon . , . 582
„ 214. Elasmotherium . . 587
» 215. Rhinoceros . . . ib.
Section 216. Microscopic Structure
i, 217. Succession 599
„ 218. Palseotherium. ib.
„ 219. Macrauchenia. 602
1 220. Tapirus. 604
» 221. Succession 605
„ 222. Lophiodon 606
„ 223. Coryphodon . 607
1, 224. Dinothérium . 609
,, 225. Mastodon . . . 613
>> 226. M. giganteus . 616
„ 227. M. angustidens 618
,, 228. Transitional Proboscidians 624
, , 229. Elephas. . . . 625
„ 230. Microscopic Structure . 640
>> 231. Development. 648