B IC J E H JM F U L G X t tO M , Sclater.
Rosy-flanked Flower-pecker.
Dicceum fulgidum, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 56.
Two specimens o f this apparently new Dicceum were contained in Mr. Forbes’s first collection from Timor
laut. I t differs from D. ignicolle from the Aru Islands, with which we have compared it, in having the rosy
tint spread over the whole o f the under surface, so that there is no olive on the flanks, but the lower abdomen
and under tail-coverts are o f a pale fawn-brown colour* It must be also very closely allied to D. keiense of
Salvadori, from the Kei Islan d s; but this is described as having the abdomen olivaceous, yellow in the middle.
Having regard to the way in which the different Molucca Islands possess their own peculiar species of
Dicaum, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the birds coming from Timor laut will also be found to be
specifically distinct from the Flower-peckers of the neighbouring islands.
T he following description is from the type specimen, which was kindly lent to me by Dr. Sclater.
Adult male. General colour above dark purplish b lu e ; wing-coverts like the back ; quills black, externally,
slightly glossed with purplish blue, a little more distinct on the innermost secondaries ; tail-feathers purplish
blue like the back, but slightly d u lle r; lores b lack ; sides o f face, cheeks, and ear-coyerts black, with a
slight gloss o f purplish b lu e ; a very narrow line o f black bordering the rami of the lower jaw ; under
surface o f the body pale scarlet, richer on the fore neck and breast, and extending in a rosy tinge
over the sides of the body, the lower flanks and vent being o f a light fawn-brown; the chin whitish, and
the centre of the body also mixed with white, the bases o f the feathers being o f this c o lo u r; in the centre
o f the breast a faintly indicated blackish s p o t; thighs black; under tail-coverts pale rose-colour; under
wing-coverts and axillaries white ; edge o f wing and adjacent coverts black ; quills blackish below, narrowly
edged with white along the inner web ; " b ill, legs, and feet black ; iris black” (H . 0 . Forbes). Total
length 3*5 inches, culmen 0*4, wing 2*15, tail 1*25, tarsus 0*55.
The figures in the Plate are drawn from the typical example above mentioned.
[R. B. S.]