and upper breast ! under tail-coverts rufescent; tail-feathers brownish tipped with ochraceous j bid black
above, white underneath ; feet greenish olive ; iris black.
Female. Similar to the male, but with the head black with obscure yellowish ochre margins to the
feathers surrounded by a band o f b lue; Collar round the hind neck whitish and rufous ; vent white, very
slightly rufescenti throat rufescent with dusky black margins to the feathers. Young birds resemble the
old female, and have the underparts o f a rufous colour. It must be noted th at the figures in Mr. S h a r p *
work have the soft parts very erroneously coloured, as might have been expected a t a time when all
information on this subject was wanting.
The Plate represents a male and a female, of the natural size, the latter being the upper figure. They
have been drawn from a pair of birds in my own collection.