admeasurements being precisely the same ; but the bird from New South Wales has a lighter coloured bill, and the
whole of the under surface washed with deep rufous.
The locality of the bird described by me in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Part IV. p. 6, as Colluricincla
fusca, being still unknown, that species has not been included.
Genus F a l c u n c u l u s , Vieill. '
The two species of this genus are not only strictly Australian, but are confined to thè southern parts of the
country; the F. frontatus inhabiting New South Wales and South Australia, and the F. leucogaster Western
Australia. When attacked by their natural enemies or by man, both species defend fhemselves with their
■powerful bill and claws with the utmost fury; they also by the same means readily tear off pieces of rotten wood
and the thin scaly bark of the Eucalypti in search of insects. The branches of trees are their usual place of resort,
and in many of their actions and habits they closely resemble the Tits of Europe and India (gehus Pams'), while
they also assimilate to the Pachycephala. They build a round, cup-shaped nest.
.125. Falcunculus f r o n t a t u s ............................................................................................... Vol. II. Pl. 79.
126. Falcunculus leucogaster, G o u l d ...................................................................................... Vol. II. Pl. 80.
Mr. Gilbert states that while staying in the Toodyay district of Western Australia in the month of October, fiè
found the nest of this species among the topmost and weakest perpendicular branches of a Eucalyptus, at a height
of a t least fifty feet : it was of a deep cup-shaped form, composed of the stringy bark of the gum-tree, and lined
with fine grasses, the whole matted together externally with cobwebs ; the eggs, which are three or four in number,
are of a glossy white with numerous minute speckles of dark olive most thickly disposed at the larger end ; they
are seven-eighths of an inch long by five-eighths of an inch in breadth, He adds, that under ordinary
circumstances i t is a somewhat shy bird, hut when breeding becomes hold and familiar ; as an evidence of which
he adduces the fact that a flock of sheep were driven every night beneath the tree upon which the nest was beino-
constructed without giving the least alarm to the birds.
Genus O r e o ic a , Gould.
Generic characters.
Bill shorter than the head, stout, compressed laterally, and notched at the tip ; admen bent gradually downwards
from the base ; lower mandible nearly as stout as the upper ; nostrils basal, roimd,• and nearly covered with very
fine short hair-like feathers directed forwards, among which are intermingled a few long fine hairs ; wings rather
long, the first quill short, the third the longest ; tertiaries very long, and nearly equalling the primaries:; tail short
and very slightly rounded; tarsi moderately long and stout, entire posteriorly, and defended anteriorly with hard
scuta; feet adapted for the ground; toes very short, particularly the hind one, inner toe rather shorter than the
outer ; claws short, and nearly straight.
The only species known of this form is strictly Australian, and is a sprightly animated bird frequenting the
sterile districts studded with large trees, scrubs, and open glades, where it hops about bn the ground in search of
insects. Notwithstanding the singularly lengthened form of its scapularies and its terrestrial habits, it appears to
me to belong to the same type of form as the Pachycephala ; its loud piping note and mode of- 'nidification also
favours this opinion. I t lays three or four eggs, in a round, cup-shaped nest; ' placed either in a grass tréè
( Xanthorrhcea) or in a hole or stump of a decayed upright tree.
127. Oreoica g u ttu ra lis Vol. II. PI. 8Ì ’.
Genus D ic ru ru s , Vieill.
A genus of which many species inhabit India and Africa, but of which only qne has yet been found in Australia.
128. Dicrurus bracteatus, G o u l d Vol. II. Pl. 82.
Genus R h i p i d u r a , Vig. f y Horsf.
Many species of this genus occur in India, the Indian Islands, New Guinea, and Polynesia; and five or six are
comprised in the fauna of Australia, over every part of which country, including Van Diemen’s Land, one or other
member of the group is found to'exist
129. Rhipidura albiscapa, Gould ..............................^ . . ,. . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 83.
130. Rhipidura rufifrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 84.
131. Rhipidura Dry as, Gould.
Inhabits the north coast. I have not figured this species because it only differs from R. rufifrons in being of a
smaller size, and in the red colouring at the base of the tail-feathers being more extensive.
132. Rhipidura isura, Gould . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 85.
133. Rhipidura Motacilloides, Vig. fy Horsf . . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 86.
134. Rhipidura picata, Gould.
Not figured, being similar in colour but much smaller than R. Motacilloides; it inhabits Port Essington.
Genus S e i s u r a , Vig. 8 f Horsf
The present genus and Rhipidura are mere modifications of each other; a difference of structure, however,
exists of sufficient importance to justify their separation, and, as is always the case, a corresponding difference is
found in the habits of the species.
The present form is restricted to Australia.
135.-Seisura inquieta . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 87.
Turdus muscicola, Lath. Gen. Hist. vol. v. p. 123.
dubius, Lath.
Genus P i e z o r h y n c h u s , Gould.
Generic characters.
Bill longer than the head; deeper than broad, almost cylindrical; compressed on the sides, notched at the tip ;
nostrils basal, small and round; wings short; first primary moderate, the fourth the longest; tail rather short and
round; tarsi moderately long and somewhat feeble ; the inner and middle toes connected as far as the first joint, the
outer one the longest.
The only species of this genus yet discovered is a native of the northern parts of Australia, from Cape York to
Port Essington, where it frequents the dense beds of Mangroves.
136. Piezorhynchus nitidus, Gould . . . . . . . . . . Vol. II. Pl. 88.
Genus M y i a g r a , Vig. f y Horsf.
A group of insectivorous birds, the greater number of which inhabit the Indian Islands and Polynesia, and of
which four species are found in Australia.
137. Myiagra plumbea, Vig. fy H o r s f . ..............................................................................................Vol. II. Pl. 89.
138. Myiagra conciima, G o u l d ......................................................................................................Vol. II. Pl. 90.
139. Myiagra nitida, G o u l d ...............................................................................................................Vol. II. Pl. 91.
140. Myiagra latirostris, G o u l d Vol. II. Pl. 92.