Wedge-tailed Sabre-wing-,
Ornismya Pampa, Less. Supp. des Ois. mou., p. 127. pl. 15.—Ib. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 18.
Polytmm pampa, Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 107, Polytmm, sp. 7.
Campyloptermpampa, Less. Ind. Gen. e t Syn. des Ois. du Genre Trochilm, p. vi.—Bonap. Consp.
Gen. Av. p. 71, Campylopterm, sp. 6.—Ib. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 250.
Pampa campyloptera, Reichenb. Aufz. der Colibris, p. 11.
T h e cuneate form of the tail of this species of Campylopterm readers it very remarkahle, not only among
the members of its own genus, but among the Trochïlidce in general, for there are but few besides the
present bird which display this peculiarity. Were I to be influenced by the form of the tail alone, I might
be induced to constitute it the type of a distinct genus; but, as I can discover no other character that would
bear me out in so doing, I content myself for the present at least by retaining it in the genus to which it
has hitherto been assigned. Dr. Reichenbach has indeed'founded one under the name of Pampa for its
reception, but I hesitate, for the reason just given, in adopting it.
The native country of the Campylopterus Pampa is Mexico and Central America; in the former of which
countriès specimens were procured by M. De Lattre. I have also received it, through Mr. Skinner, from
Guatemala. In a brief notice of it by M. De Lattre, that gentleman States that it inhabits the densest
forests during the whole of the year; that it is very wild and unsociable; that it is fond of singing; and
were its song not monotonous it might be regarded as the Nightingale of the Trochïlidas. It is found in
the environs of Taupetta, in Mexico.
The sexes, as far as I have seen, are nearly alike in colour, while in size a more than ordinary difFerence
exists, the female being very much smaller than her mate; both have a blue-coloured crown, but the outer
tail-feathers of the female are tipped with dirty white, instead of being of a uniform colour.
The male has the head fine blue; all the upper surface and wing-coverts green; wings purplish-brown ;
four central tail-feathers dark bronzy-green; lateral tail-feathers dark bluish-black, glossed with bronzy-green
at the base; ear-coverts brown; all the under surface dull greyish-white, washed with buff on the throat;
bill black; feet brown.
The female is similar in colour, but has the three outer tail-feathers tipped with bufïy-white.
The Plate represents the two sexes of the natural size. The plant is the Neptunia plena.