Adela’s Hill-star.
Trochilm Adela, D'Orb. et Lafr. Syn., No. 32. p. 33.—D'Orb] Voy. dans 1'Amér. Mérid.,
tom. iv. p. 377-
Orthorhynchus Adela, D’Orb. Voy. dans 1’Amér. Mérid., Atlas, Ois., pl. 61. fig. 2.
Oreotrochilus Adela, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., P a rt XV. 1847, p. 10. Gray and Mitcb.
Gen. of Birds, Oreotrochilus, sp. 4.
T h is is one of the many novelties which rewarded the researches of M. D’Orbigny, who figured it for
the first time in his fine work, the " Voyage dans 1’Ainérique Méridionale,” and who States that he met
with it in one instauce only, on the dry and arid mountains in the neighbourhood of Chuquisaca in Bolivia,
where it flies among the rocks and perches upou the loftiest plauts. It was also seen by Mr. Bridges
during his travels in the same country, flying at a considerable elevation, and exhibiting many of the
actions and manners of O. Estellce and O. leucopleurus. The rich chestnut colouring of the flanks and the
black mark down the centre of the abdomen render it conspicuously different from every other species of
Humming Bird at present known to us; and it differs from the other Oreotrochili in having the tail-feathers
of a narrower and more lengthened form, and in the outer feather on each side being broader and less
The sexes present the usual diversity of colouring, the female being of a very sombre hue.
The male has all the upper surface dark greyish olive-brown, passing into dull coppery green on the
upper tail-coverts; wings brown, tinged with piirple; two centre tail-feathers olive-brown; remainder of
the tail-feathers vinous buff, narrowly margined with olive-brown ; throat rich lustrous green, assuming a
golden hue in some specimens; centre of the breast and abdomen deep velvety black, with a slight tinge of
blnish green ; sides of the chest and flanks rich deep chestnut; under tail-coverts olive-brown, tinged with
buff; tarsi thickly clothed with brown feathers ; bill, eyes and feet black.
Total length, 5 inches ; bill, l £ ; wing, 2 f ; tail, 2 i ; tarsus, £.
The female resembles the male in the colouring of the upper surface; has the lateral tail-feathers
clouded instead of being regularly margined with brown ; the throat white, regularly spangled with brown ;
the abdomen rufous; and the under tail-coverts and feathers clothing the tarsi pale brown.
Total length, 4£ inches ; bill, l £ ; wing, 2£; tail, 2; tarsus, £.
The figures represent the two sexes on a species of Sahria.