To the species of Burlingtonia already mentioned in the Botanical Register under plate 1927,
B. maculata has been already added in the volume of that work for 1839. I have since received an
additional species with the habit of B. rigida; it forms no.'664 of Mr. Gardner’s collections in the
Organ Mountains of Brazil, and differs from that plant in its leaves being smaller, narrower and
obtuse, in its flowers being smaller, and in the inflorescence being slightly panicled. These two
species may be distinguished by the following characters :
B. rigida (Bot. Reg. sub. t. 1927. Sertum Orchid, t 86.);
B. obtusifolid; caule erecto ramoso tereti distauter sobolifero,
caule erecto ramoso tereti distanter sobolifero, foliis ovato-lan-
foliis oblongis obtusiusculis, racemo subpaniculato nutante,
ceolatis acutis, racemo simplici nutante, bracteis oblongis acumi-
bracteis subulatis, labelli bilobi lobis distantibus rotundatis.
natis, labelli bilobi lobis approximatis.