* v j
83- CACAL I A aftïculata. Lt
- • fcandens.
T E T R A G O N O THE C A Helianchoides. Z.
D I D E L T A tetragonioefolia.
S4. AILANTHUS glandulofa.
A U T O R E S .
Ail. angl. Phjlofophical TranfaSions of the royal Society.
A3. par. extran. Mémoires des Savans étrangers, lus à lAcadémie des Sciences de Paris.
AS. parop. Commentarii Academic Scientiarum Petropolitan®.
A3, upf. Af l a Societatis Scientiarum Upfalienfis.
Alp. B Pr Q f p . ALPINUS, de Plantis exoticis.
Amm. ruth. J 0 A N N. AMMAN, Stirpium rariorum in imperio Ruchepo fponte provenientium
icônes & defcriptiones.
Bauh. hifl. JOH. BAUHIN, HifloriaPlantarum univerfalis.
Causb. cur, MASK CA TES BY, natural Hiilory of Carolina,
n T 7 ' 1 CORNUT I J Canadenfium Plantarum Hifloria.
Vuh.fim. aU. HENR.LUD. D u 8 4 M E L d p MONCEAU, des fenis & plantations des Arbres,
additions, - .
Du toi harlk. Jon. PHIL. D U ROI, die Harbfcefche wilde Baumzucht.
~ ; f i GE 0 E G - D i O N - E h R B T ' 1 1 1 & papiliones rariores depict. & .ri incife.
f - Aâ a P^fico-medica Academi* Gefare* Leopoldino-Francifcame natur* curioforum,
exhibentia Ephemerides, &c.
Garid. gallopr. PE TR. GAKIDEL, Hifloire des Plantes qui naiûènt aux environs d'Aix.
Gbx. otf. BI M I . PETK. GLOXIN, Obfervationes Botanic.
Gron. virg. J on. FRED. GRONOVIUS, Flora Virginica.
HalL hch. ALB. VON IIALLER, Hifloria Stirpium indigenarum Helvetia.
Hamt. magei, Hannoverifches Magazin.
Linn. Hps, CAR. LINNJEUS, Hortus UpfalienCs.
Marsh, ariujl. HUMPHRY MARSHALL, Arbuflrum Americanum.
/. Mill, icon.' JOHN MILLER, feven coloured plates of Plants.
Much. gen. JOH. MITCHELL, de principiis Botanicorum & Zoologorum.
Monogr, CAR. LUD. L'HÉRITIER, Louichea.
Munt. phyt. ABRAH. MUNTINS, Phytographia curiofa.
iVbv. conm.petr.p. Novi Commentarii Academic Scientiarum PetropoW.
Pall. roff. PETR. SIM. PALLAS, Flora Roffica.
I f * Rl C H - P o c o c k e ' Defcription of the Eaft, and fome other Countries.
Plukn. amahn. " LEONARD. PLUKNET, Amaltheum botanicum.
Trfw.fikS, CHRISTOPH. JAC. TREW , F k . feledfce.