%P A R IT I M.A.
P inus Bpgrrama, Mils, gémlnis» tenniSsimis?- stibUllis* ovato-cdnicia glaberrimis solitariis pedunculatis.
P. foliis binisHn^smsum^ e&]leci^\s.ÏJDiûham^l^^r6/i cL!f2/:^125,!f n. 3. Du Roi
.ïla^ita^in'EuiQpæ ^Australis 'marifimis. .
f 5 f)}E S# ï® PffQ :
éwbbr 20-pedahs, \mmpsissima. -PôZzg^biuheiâlia.V veppariimi-longidra. angustissima, vagina brevissimâ.
Stroiili sofitarji, pedunculati, >çernuij ‘pvati, superficie, equates, lævissimi a© nilMi. Seminum ala
■; v?^nagUa^ s^e curifomfi^;i^J;,
The figure in the 1-Qth Plate representing the. species was drawn from a specimen in; the
'S®a^ai^L‘Herbarium^ to which the following note.-
“ P. maritima M ^K e^ ^ sh n is^ co id s albican tibus, brevibus", deorsiim reflexis, in superficie aequa-
* 'Miche$.
Pinastri alterumfgenus- parvum>J foliis capillamenti modo tenuissimis. . C.'Isol.
P f rnshitihia, eonis ^t^rei^planii.^1 ^h^iopin., -
This free, so far as I can judge from one growing at Sion House, the only one I have been able to
find, grows tafilje height of- alxJHpSO.feetXrThe branches are very numerous, and? bearTong, filiform
leaves, resembling those of P. hdl&pensis, which are more closely connected towards the extremities o f
the branches. The cones are of nearly the-same size as in P. rigida, hut rathe^ smaller. They are so
Remarkably- smooth and1 glossy, that th e y at once distinguish this species. Those which appear on
Sherard’s specimen hang downwards; bu t those, which I obtained at Sion- House, point upwards;
one ojuthe latter is represented'in plate 10. In shedding? their seeds, the -co,nes seem to expand
v ery lit fi^ ,.^