Chap. XIV. Proofs of Design in the Structure of Fossil ***
Vertebrated Animals...................................... 1 3 5
§ I. Fossil Mammalia—Dinothérium......................... 135
Hi Megatherium.................................» jgg
h i . Fossil Saurians....................................... jgg
iv . Ichthyosaurus......................................... jgg
v. Intestinal Structure of Ichthyosaurus and of
Fossil Fishes............................................. jgy
v i. Plesiosaurus......................................... 202
v u . Mosasaurus, or great Animal of Maestricht . . . 215
v in . Ptérodactyle............................................ 221
ix . Megalosaurus.............................................. 234
x . Iguanodon................................................................. 240
x i. Amphibious Animals allied to Crocodiles....... 249
x i i. Fossil Tortoises or Testudinata ...... .................... 255
x i ii . Fossil Fishes............................................... . . . 264
Sauroid Fishes in the Order Ganoid . . . . 273
Fishes in Strata of the Carboniferous Order 278
Fishes of the Magnesian Limestone, or
Zechstein................................................. 280
Fishes of the Muschel-kalk, Lias, and
Oolite Formations ................................. 281
Fishes of the Chalk Formation.................... 283
Fishes of the Tertiary Formations.............. 284
Family of Sharks................................. #.........286
Fossil Spines, or Ichthyodorulites.............. 288
Fossil R a y s ............................................. 2g i
C h a p . X V . Proofs of Design in the Fossil Remains of
Mollusks........................................................ 2Q5
§ 1. Fossil Univalve and Bivalve Shells....................... 295
11. Fossil Remains of naked Mollusks, Pens and
Ink bags of Loligo ............................................... 3Q3
h i . Proofs of Design in the Mechanism of Fossil
Chambered S h e lls ................................... 31q
Mechanical Contrivances in the Nautilus . 314
iv . Ammonites....... ..................... 000
v. Nautilus Sypho and Nautilus Zic Z a c ............357
v i. Chambered Shells allied to Nautili, and Ammonites
............................................................ 35i
v u . Belemnite.................................................................... 371
v in . Foraminated Polythalamous Shells. Nummulites.
Miliola................................. .................... 381
Chap. XVI. Proofs of Design in the Structure of Fossil
Articulated Animals ........................................ 386
§ 1. First Class of Articulated Animals..................... 386
Fossil Annelidans............................................. 386
11. Second Class of Articulated Animals................. 387
Fossil Crustaceans........................................... 387
Trilobites........................................................... 389
h i . Third Class of Articulated Animals........................ 404
Fossil Arachnidans........................................ 404
Fossil S p ide rs................... J............................ 405
Fossil Scorpions............................................... 406
iv . Fourth Class of Articulated Animals....................409
Fossil Insects.................................................... 409
Chap. XVII. Proofs of Design in the Structure of Fossil
Radiated Animals, or Zoophytes................. 414
§ 1. Fossil Echinoderms ................................................. 415
Echinidans and Stelleridans...........................415
Encrinites Moniliformis............................... 421
Pentacrinites.................................................... 432
11. Fossil Remains of P o ly p e s.......................................442
Chap. XVIII. 'Proofs of Design in the Structure of Fossil
Vegetables........................................................... 450
§ 1. General History of Fossil Vegetables................. 450
11. Vegetables in Strata of the Transition Series.. 459
Equisetaceæ...................................................... 459
F erns.................................................................. 461
Lepidodendron................................................. 466
Sig illa r ia ....................................................... .. 469
Favularia, Megaphyton, Bothrodendron,
Ulodendron................................................. 474