A P P E N D I X . u p
4s'a, 6 53 Flores Antimonii lublimati nigri. TAB. VIII. fig. 3. t a b .
6j4 Fluor Cryftallinus Ericaeformis. TAB. VII. fig. 4. ,
Afi. 6 55 Afort of Alabafirites,. reprefenting a transverfe Jeflion o f f ^
iheTrunck.of a Tree. Grew. Muf 268.
An. 656 Afione exprejfing part of a transverfe feel ion of Olive-wood.
Id. 269.
ast. 657 Another fort of Jafper, reprefenting a piece of wood. One
would take it for a fort of Lignum vitæ. id. 1. c.
Afj, 6j8 Afione figur’d like a piece of Angelica Root. Id. 274.
659 Two ftones, one rejembling the Root of Cichory, the other
of Tormentile. 1. c.
a6,, 660 A ft one fbmewhat flat like the Root of Iris. 1. ç.
A&- 661 Afione as it were hared of the Rind, and having one End.
with a Kind of button, on which the raytwind toward the center,
as the Unes of a. rhumb upon a map or the fuites of the attire of any
• corymbiferous Flower. JL e.
Naturâ, vel Arte elaboratee.
46). 66z Virunculi effigies in Ligno Fagino. TAB. X. fig. 2. J A,B,X'
/ f . 662 Viruneulus in Licno nodofo ac tortuofo confpicuns. tab.x.
T A B .X .Æ ». . * "
P f. 664 Crux in Ligno Fagino confpicua. In Biblioth. B.er-
a& 66} Corona Regia in apice gladii ex feypho furgentis, euro
infra leriptis numeris 167. qui indicant Fago incifam effe hanc
figurara anno quodam poft feptuagefimum leculi prætcriti. Re-
feda hæc Arbor A. 1717.
aIi. 666 Crux cum lit. H. & infra tribus davis in Ligno Fagino.
Val.entin. M uf P- II- p- 76. Ex Mifc. Nat. Curiof.
aF%. 667 Crux cum informi icone & corona in Ligno. Valentin.
1. c. Ex Mifc. Cur. An. VIII. IX. Dec. III. p. 191.
4.&. 668 Crux triplex in LignoFagino. Valentin. 1. c. ex An.IX .
(A X . Dec. 111. Mifc. Cur. p. 187.
F I N I S.
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