continuously and unreservedly, with a paternal affection for the
work in hand, it demands from me all the acknowledgment and
gratitude which it is in my power to offer.
Since it is impossible for me to attempt a new edition of the
“ Handbook,” whilst this work is in progress, it is intended to reprint
the specific characters of all the Hymenomycetes (British) in
some convenient form to be used with the plates, as a separate
publication. Though names may change, and the limits of species
fluctuate, it is hoped th a t these figures may prove a welcome
legacy to a future generation.
M. C. Cooke.
July, 1883.
O r d e r I . A G A R IC IN I . Fnipt
Hymenium inferiofl spread over radiating gills.
Genus I. AGARICTJS, Linn.
Gills membranaceous, persistent, with an acute edge, trama
• floccoSe.
■ Sect. A. Leue'oisgori. White sfored.
Sub-Geñus 1. Amanita, Pers. Universal veil fpie from
the cuticle ; stem distinct from the hymenophore, furnished
with a volva at the base. Gills free.
* Ring manifest, superior.
a. Volva splitting at the apex, border free, persistent.
I . Ag. virosus, ■FifBlfc'-.. . ' . 1
%'f „ phalloidejl F r . . . . 2
3. „ v ep »S Bull - . ' .- 3
b. Volva cut round above the bulb, border mem- ]
branacemis. . ,
4. Ag. mappa, Fr. .. . . 4
c. Volva definitely cut áround, base-margínate,
persistent, calyptra broken into thick warts
scattered over the'pileus.
5. Agí muscarius, Fr. ' ■. .1 1 7
6 . „ pantherinus, Fr. . . 6
7. ,', Iplcelsus, Fr. . . . 7
• 8 .’ „ istrobili’ffcirmis, Fr.- . 8
■ ■ ,r M I •
d. Volva entirely friable.
10.. Ag. rubescens, Fr. . 9
I I . „ spissus, Fr. . . 69
1 2 . „ nitidus, Fr. - . ' - . 70
13> as| S • . 1 0
e. Volva flocculose, wholly evanescent, stem not
14. Ag, niagnificus, Fr. . * . 34
15. „ inegalodactylus, Berk. . 11