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putabat. Vereor, inquit, ne capfulas a fe-
minum eiaculatione reiiduas, campanulae
forinam imitantes, pro floribus habuerit.
Certe, quamdiu partes floris, praefertim
flamina & piflilla defcripta non funt, de
floribus nulla certitudo. Qui in America
maximasFilicum ipecies examinare poA
funt, eos aliquando Filicum frudificati-
onem Europaeis cognitiorem reddere
pofle, non maie praefagiebat. Sed mi-
randum efl, L in n a eum, de partibus plantarum
fexualibus adeo follicitum, ad cor-
pufcula aMichelio antehac indicata & obfervata
non attendiiTe.
l o .
Quae H ijllius ( s) in fplendido opere
fuo de Polypodii quadam fpecie, quod
vocat Various leaf’d P olypodium, enar-
rat,quum illud in paucorumadmodum ma-
nibus fit, ipfius verbis apponere, haud
Every feed-veffel is of a roundish
form, and whitish, and its circumference
is wound about with a jointed ring. Each
s) Vegetable Syliem or a feries o f experitnents
and obfervations, Lond, 1759, pag. 144.
is fupported by a long, delicate, transparent
filament, by way of footflalk, which
is terminated by the ring, and all thefe
footflalk rife from the under part of the
original papilla. The fubflance of the
central part of each feed-veffel is fpungy,
like the open head of the papilla. The
ring is membraneous, as the verge of the
leaf is, and its joints are brown. Therefore
the conflrudion is this:
The papilla is the receptacle of the
fruiiifications, formed from the white
part of the conic cluflers. From this rife
numerous Filaments, crowned with their
ring of antherae, for each ring is a col-
ledion of antherae, every brown joint
o f it being one. Thefe joints burft in
water, as the particles of farina always
do; but the central part never opens.
This central part is in each a fingle feed.
The miracle is the fituation; inflead being
lodged in a capfule, it is fixed to the complicated
anthera, and contained with in
it, and when the farina burfl, it receives
immediate impregnation.