¡ i , - . ’ _ ■ 'S., "'■'"Y. Y .. ; ~ B x J ; " '
Maiw*«im , «ho u * pwjîeysc! ie phwe i» dw
pnl«c *wise, i=^y.irfta ìó'Jtsii =«r{>one, ss curriaj¡e= *« 4«ft »
' ÜRgfiklMä». ' '
ï h . y we gwerally of»siE3i.o.J Uj- Misting »wi vî Vii .V jitH<
lieb W.4 tnceildings w«4 variquAXkvictt, ÄK- -A*ntgí*i,.w £.£)rogi*in. ■
the part rweupletl by tJï- ’lîemV “ ; *yi rosari ï.e 'íh."ídrt.u 'iSi.' Iro h«l)l
“ then reeewíd tfn ' tq ivÍ,KatÑ Ä" ni - bnnù* ot WÄr »'eUa-
1 he gunwale cf ihtis- - \ t s t»s a ' h urns, '' t j « « wsadi¿ ia nÆ-
cianily htoaJ fcnthç w.U'-.nn , itt. v 1» ftoai dan n attni, witho«
iBcoimenieB« to paseaBgera n( tl* iVHCipatapíftiBentía
The Mandatai is *»1 ^=ir..ini i 1 - .1® <i »»d efi-vaota, who we
hringia' his dinner ; th“ j.hi , j . *f his aulhoriiy. ñ
eonsj^iwn^-. pla»-ïd thcAag and baaed et Ae stesa.'
ivjíi C h in « cnat.. -.ífs o . tbew, eihibi» h » tap^ and enipIbpiMI.i.
'tltesntEBgnia ofpowMäiao tetve . . a «gsatSit nther mudls tonnie
ílaar p isagt for hin- ih tonsequence a( which, « * l t « s are «dd«a
obstmcied ín Aeir prcgi*» thtuueh Ae tnmenw nandicr of yeaañs coa.
.tanily emptoyed «o tlw oanal*. The aiaetcr o. any weeel w’.o, hy
."ísniaiajyttebt, at *mn aecidait, Antdd irapedh d w oSScees Ut A»
(dac «f « r dhtf, would moit Bkely ncAre AninscunpaiihñaieM
of_ eeitiiiis tnicebec «f t-lo-ws from ' j fô#ibêsr, á» Ac iliMrelion o< A*