■ P H IL A D E L P H IA ,
r f The, ground on was^lefs than!apqntur.y^gj)^,,m\a fate- of covered
.vfath wood, anTiffiiabited .by Iidtaiis. ,t t ; has m this Ibort time, been railed, as It Were,,
by magic power, to the eminence of an opulent city, famousTor its tr,ade,and commence,
crouded'm its port, with velfels of it^own producing, and vihted by others from all parts of
tlie Avorld.' Its fituation on the bank of the Delaware, lies about 140 degrees north from the
equator^ and about 75 degrees weft from London, on the weft fide qf the rhcr," about 40
leagues bom the fea; Its flan was laid out by'.William Penu, and was confirmed by charter,
,011 This Work mil hand as a memorial of its ’p^ ^e^dr.tb^
all accurate .as .they now Hand;, tlie choice' of fubjccts are- thofe, that give"'the m^geger^I'
,id^t gf the to^yry ‘the fCenery 4s^ cO^ed^W^Mfl the liffiil^dt"tbejciy, e^dpptip^ thj? f t ^ d
lad.viMs:’ ffie‘ Irontifpiefef* i^ p r e& f ’ witfyt$e^qj^at lai^ej.lllbnfy^p^enarabd^ fgit c6q p
’rft^cS,^d the lad plate,v wifhytbe'^Vedillt yh S h^ jh e ’, exertip^£t^^^^^
p r o t e c t ; each lubje&; terminating at the oppose extremitiesmf the*fobi;bs*|en the
bank o&thd ritet. ■
P ?-%,Mm&t Work are arranged ^as is* moji cohyeniept *Jo, i jfldif ffi tbe City,
4. Arc^0lr.e'B Fet$$&foommerW&S(xn£\'with fhij>ptnr^$6jm
5. A&chrjire$t,<^th*t)fmSecond-PryffiteridtQC$feihfr v
1 ^Nedf< Foftrtjgfiyeet. *
Lutheran Churchy in Fiftb-Jjreet. $ #
- ' j f f i f f l y -Ma r k e t and'ThirdJlrect. *^|'
*9- New^MnChiij-c/f^n^'arkct^reet.^
10. ** '/ji
’iffy J$in$inth§&ftU «*
WWtehded^or the Bre/deip
Ipt | I p m. >t ’
i6i 'hWfflarkst?-mfyrth Secon'd^/lrieU^ ''' •
, ftfifonfied States ^
'A^'Mbra^^Mv^t^(Sh4 H%i^^h-Jir}^, flfc v
j&nffasAHjail and-Ncio ^Theatre, in Chefnut-Jir'eet'.- 1 7 .
**• State-Houfe, inVhefnut-Jireet. '\ '
[t^Bafk optfy SffikjHoufy']"
ira^rQaolf_ 'itv l -
'^/K-Ai/i^^oujej^t ^rAce-J^eti " y- ".
M. Perikfy%anmS$ifpita$?tn ‘Piae-jtreet? ,
* 27. B’ewi^yl^hi'c^a^^'\'S’econdyireet.u' . .
\a8. fflate/Wof/fr ih^Geflt^Squhrei^ Si
IWffi^ediJh'Phut;dh.''Southwark, \with the building " ‘WbfrbxZ- ™