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10. A. Smith, Illustrations of the Zoology of Soulh-
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11. F. Beale, the Natural History of te Sperm Whale.
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12. The Zoology of Captain Beechey’s voyage. London
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15. E. Jesses, Gleanings in Natural History, 2 vol.
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14. J. Gould , Monograph of the Macropodidae or Family
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15. J. van der Hoeven, Bijdragen tot de Natuurlgke
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16. R., B. Hinds, the Zoology of the voyage of H. M.
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17. Fenzl, Heckei und Redtenbacher , Abbildung und
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18. J. J. von Tschudi, Untersuchungen über die Fauna
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19. J. Richardson en J. E. Gray, the Zoology of the
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20. J. Latham a General History of Birds, 10 vol.
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21. J. F. Brandt, Descriptions et leones Animalium
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22. J. Gould, the Birds of Australia and the adjacent
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25. J. Gould, leones Avium , or Figures and descriptions
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24. ________the Birds of Australia. Londen 1840—
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25 . ___ Monograph of the Odontophorinae or
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26. J. W. Lewin, a natural History of the Birds of
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27. Mad. Knip, née de Courcelles, les Pigeons, le texte
par F. Prévost. Paris 1840—1844. f°.
28. W. Yarrel, a History of British Birds , 5 Vol.
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29. B. du Bus, Esquisses Ornithologiques. Bruxelles
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50. F. A. L. Thieneman, Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der
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