Séances des Ecoles Normales , Paris 1796---- 1798.
9 vol. . . . . . . . 8°.
Actes de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Paris
Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris,
1799 et 1828. 4 vol.
Bulletin de la Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie
nationale, Paris 1802—'1832. 31 vol.
Mémoires de la Société des Sciences de l’Agriculture et
des Arts de Lille, années 1819—1834. 9 vol. 8a.
------— ------------------ Linnéenne de Calvados, 1824
—1828. 4 vol. et 3 Atlas des Années 1825----
1828.................................'. ,. . . . . 8°.
--------------------------------Géologique de France, Paris
----------- — -------- ----- d’Histoire Naturelle de Strasbourg,
Paris 1830.
Acta Philosophica Societatis Regiae in Anglia Anne 1665
1670, Auctore H. Oldenburg.
The Philosophical Transactions from the beginning in
the year 1665 to the year 1136. 115 vol.
Th. Birch, the History of the Royal Society from its
first rise, Lond. 1756. 4 vol.
The Abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions from
the beginning to the year 1750, Lond. 1705—•
1756. 13 vol.
Memoirs of the Royal Society or a Abridgment of the
Philosophical Transactions by Mr. Baddam, Lond.
1745. 10 vol.
Essays and observations Physical et litteraris read before
a Society in Edinbourg 1754. 3 vol.
Medical observations and inquiries by a Society of Physicians
in London 1758. 5 vol. . . 8°.
Medical and Philosophical Commentaries by a Society in
Edinbourg, Lond. 1773. 10 vol. . . 8°.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society at
Philadelphia, 1761—1809. 6 vol. — and the new
ssries, Philad. 1818. 4 vol,
---------------of the London Society for Encouragement
of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, Lond. 1783
—1829. 49 vol.
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Boston 1785. 1 vol, and vol. II. part. I.
Transactions of the Irish Academy, Dublin 1787—1830,
17 vol.
---------------of the Royal Society of Edinbourgh, Edinb.
1788— 1832. 13 vol.