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1775- to be found in a vale called fKur-fkeija-fkei-fka/ibina, whi- \^y>J ther by a road that went over two hills we fent our oxen and horfes at noon to water, while we flopped to refreih : ourfelves. In the evening we arrived at Hajfagai-bofch. The other part of the road, together With the adjacent country, was full o f fteep hills; fo that we were frequently obliged to lock the wheels of the waggon, and at the fame to difnlount, and lead our horfes over the precipices. As this day in my abfence, an honour was conferred upon me at Upfal far exceeding my moil fanguine expectations., viz. the degree, o f doctor in phyfic* ah. honour heightened by the flattering proclamation, by which it was accompanied, I muit take this opportunity o f making my grateful acknowledgments for it, to Si r C h a r l e s L l x n e ' , and the then promoter,profeflor J. S i d r e x , who at that time compofed the whole faculty o f medicine,, and who by their kind recommendations obtained permiffion of, the, moil illuftrious Chancellor for this purpofe.. This; inllance o f a Swede being, though afar off in a diilant dci'ert, prcfent to the remembrance of his countrymen, will,, probably, be no fmall encouragement to fuch of our compatriots, as may in future travel for the promotion o f ieience p for which reafon, 1 thought proper to make mention of it here. Early the next morning, being the 1,5 th day,- we quitted: HaJJagai-bofcb,. which in itfelf is , merely a little infignifi- cant grove, and derives its, name from a, kind- o f tree to be found here, as: well as in many, other parts of the: country. Iu the. vale below,, the water is tolerably good, though very foarce and ilagnating. The diftridt round about, about, was of the kind called Sour. At noon we arrived at Nieuw Jaars-drift, where the thermometer flood at 80 in the fhade. The water here was likewife good, and in fome places very deep. The adjacent country had a delightful appearance, being adorned with great numbers o f the mìmofa nilotica ; a tree we have had occafion frequent- ■ j y to mention before, and upon which we at this time caught à great many curious infcdls. My fellow-traveller, while he was running with his net after a butterfly, was very near falling into a pit, in which a iharp pole was ftuck upright ; and in that caie, in all probability, would have ihared the fame fate as our infedls, by being bimfelf if>it- ted through the body.- This .pit-fall was, probably, made by fome o f the Caffres or Hottentots wandering about thefe parts, for the purpofe o f catching a very different kind o f game. In the evening we came to Kurekotku, or t'Kurékoi t'Ku In our way thither, we few a great number o f buffaloes. Gut of thefe I fot out to hunt on horfeback,- a herd confining of feventy or eighty beafts, old and young together. As I took with me only a light pièce loaded- with a leaden ball, my intention was merely to get- a bit o f roaft veal, which, for the fake of change, we longed for very much. But I was difeppointed in my views ; for the old ones made a circle round the calves j--fo as quite to iheltef them from me when I jumped off my horfo, in order tò difoharge my piece. Sòme of the oldeffi of them in particular, putting themfelves in a poiture o f defence,, camé forwards to meet me ; by which means, they- gave the1 ethers an opportunity- to get- farther off: at lait, however* I fired

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