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74 A V O Y A d r E TO T H E 1775- In thofe places where we happened to ftay feveral days, CivxJ fome of the Boihies-men in our train laid themfelves up night and day in perfect repofe, without giving them- felves the leaft trouble about any thing. I therefore re- fufed to give them the leaft morfel o f tobacco, till they had procured me ibme curious and uncommon infe6t or fnake. By this contrivance I obtained a few rare articles; but for the moft part, their indolence was fuch, that they would not give themfelves the leaft trouble to look after any thing of the kind, till they were, as they termed it, very hungry for tobacco.. C H A P . XII. Journey from Bojhies - mans-river to Quommedacka. NE X T morning, being the 14th, at five o’clock, we proceeded on bur journey. Bofhies-mans-rivier, which we had juft quitted, had no current; and though it is very deep in feveral places, yet it was brackiih and had a fait tafte, and was faid to be always fo in fummer. A little farther to the eaft, we had to go through a vale covered with wood. This vale is called Niez-boat-kloof, from a kind o f tree which is faid to excite fneezing, i f it be rubbed and then fmelled. We were not fo fortunate as to find this tree, but from the defcription that was given me of it, I ihould imagine it belonged to the order of lomentaccs. A dried piece o f this wood that was ihewn to me, had almoft entirely loft the property above-mentioned, neither had it any particular tafte. This tree is faid likewife to be found at Bruntjes-hoogte, though very rarely. As it may be a ufeful piece of intelligence for future travellers, I muft juft mention here, that fomewhat more than half a mile to the left o f the road, there is good water JL a to December a f i l l II I i l l I H K l ; tt-tf 1 11■ III 11-Si

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