as in the preceding journal, it forms with them a ilriking contrail. Compared with the hippopotamus, for infiance,, an animal, which is feventeen or eighteen French feet long, and at leaft fix in diameter, the mus pumilio is but rT-^oth of the fize of the former, confidering the bulk of this latter as being equal to a cubical mafs an inch and a quarter in length, and half an inch in diameter. D E S C R I P T I O. Corpus tenue, comprefliufculum. Color Velleris in genere fufco-cinereus •, Frontis 8c nuchoe niger. Lineæ quatuor dorfales, longitudinales nigrae : Harum dúo intermedie. e, 8c in nucha 8c ad bafin caudæ in unum coalefcunt;. dúo exteriores à nucha, paulloque pone aures ortæ, fibi in— vicem parallellæ, ad bafin ufque caudæ ferè extenduntur. Regiones utriufque oculi 8c narium pallidæ. Redes antici 8c pojiici quinque-dadlyli, anticorum pollicibus minufis, confpicue tamen unguiculatis, nudiufcula, pallida. Cauda longitudine 4 corporis, S P E - S P E C I M E N o f t h e L A N G U A G E o f t h e H O T T E N T O T S . lili Numerals. One, Ui. Two, t’Kammi. Three, t'Knona. Four, t 'Haciaí Five, t'GiJi.. Six, t’Golo. Parts of the Body and Clothing. Hair, t’Kum. Nofe, t'Koi, Eye, Mo. Ear, t'Nunqua. Tooth, t’O. Teeth, t'Kpng. Lip, t'Gamma. Hand, t’TJnka, Leg, t’Nu. Stocking, t'Nus Tania. Nails, t’Koloqua. Finger, t’Naniqua.- Stomach, t’Amfa. Tail, Softe. Penis, t’Ka. Caput penis, t’Ora, Vulva, t’Gau. Apron, t’Netie. Hat, t' Aba. Shoes,. t’Noaka.. Men’s Ages and Conditions in Life. Father, Bo. , t'O. Elder brother, t’Ai. Younger brother, t’Kana, Mother, Mama. ■ -, Sauf. Parents, Sanna. Elder lifter,. t’Kaes.: Younger filter, t'Kangs. Young girl, Trakof. Girl, t’Gos. Lad, t’Go. Slave, Kobbo. Mailer, Mafter of the houle, t’Kukoi,. Thr j l
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