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1 ■ I I I II if?-. left us a few days before; there were alfo two captains, one of whom had a cane, dated feventeen hundred and five, and his name engraved on the top of it, Vulcan ; and the other had one with the name, Jephtah. In the morning I difpatched a Hottentot to Hermannias Engelbright, defiring him to fend us a fupply of frefh cattle, in order to enable us to afcend a fteep hill which lay in our next day’s journey. On our firft arrival amongft our hofpitable friends, we were quite invigorated, and delighted with the appearance of every thing around us. We had exchanged a country untrodden by human feet, or only inhabited by the moil wretched of favages, for the. fociety of friends and generous holts, and after a journey of fix weeks, through dry and fultry defarts, found our- lelves in a land adorned with flowers of the moil beautiful colours. The contrail was truly exhilirating, though it was not unexpected. Molt of the plants in this part of the country were well known to me, fuch as Ixias, Gladiolus, Geraniums, and a great variety of Orchifes, which are produced in the marihes. We agreed to remain here a few days, during which I loft my companion, Colonel Gordon, who intended to diredt his courfe to the eaftward in fearch of a nation, called Brequas, of the Caffre tribe. My intention was to proceed to the northward, to crofs the Orange River, and to vifit the Great Nimiqua Land. During my flay at this place, I made feveral excurfions along the mountains, where I added confi- derably to my collection, R

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