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1779- or Sea Fountain. On our way we killed feveral Snakes, one September. ^ ¿ ^ f the Homed Snake ; this fpecies meafures from twelve to eighteen inches long, and is fuppofed to be very venomous. On the third of September we continued our journey through the defart, but were obliged to flop in order to reft our oxen, which were fo much fatigued that it was impoffible to proceed farther, when we were about twelve miles from the Coufie, or Sand River. We proceeded on the evening of the fourth, and next morning arrived at the river, where we refted the following day, having excellent grafs and water for our oxen. On the fixth, we profecuted our journey thence to the Small Nimiqua Land, and flopped that night on the fame river, about eight miles to the eaftward of Rhinoceros’ Fountain, which we had before vifited. Our provifion began to be ihort; but one of the Hottentots determined, notwithftandmg this circumftance, not to be deprived of his meal, contrived during the night to rob the others of their ihoes, which he completely devoured. From this place we continued our journey to Cock Fountain, where we arrived on the eleventh. Here we were vifited by feveral Nimiquas, who brought us milk, for which we were very thankful, and gave them fome tobacco and Dacka in return. Among thefe Hottentots was our guide Pedro, who had HORNED SNAKE.

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