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1778. reach the Bokke Veld. This place is called Two Fountain : October. r '— .— 1 and is fituated to the fouth-eaft of the Camis Berg. We dire&ed our courfe from this place to the Thorn River, where we repofed during the heat of the day. In the afternoon we continued our journey to the Hartebeeft Rivier, and remained there all night. On the fourteenth, we found the Brack Fountain nearly dried up, and fo bitter, that our cattle refufed to drink of the water. Here, however, we flayed all night, and early the next morning proceeded on our journey towards the Lion’s Den, where we flattered ourfelves with the hopes of finding water; but were difappointed, for not a fingle drop of water was difcoverable in this place. We, however, unyoaked our cattle, and refted about two hours. Jn the afternoon we proceeded towards the Stink Fountain, which was difiant about thirty miles. In the night we loft our way, and were obliged to fleep in this dry defart. The next morning we faw the Bokke Lands Bergen to the fouth-eaft of us, about twenty miles. Mr. Van Renan and I left the waggon at an early hour, direfiling our courfe to the Bokke Land ; and fent a freih team of oxen from thence to relieve ours, which were greatly fatigued, and fcarcely able to ftand, in confequence of the injury they had received in their hoofs from the íharp ñones. On the feventeenth, we brought our waggon to the houfe of Mrs. Ryck. My intention was to crofs the country, from this place to the great nation of Caffres, which is about nine 1 1 1 I 1 , 1 1 1 B ji ■ ‘ i f 1 ¡ 1 U ¡ H I l l ' l l B f i <

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