«1 i l l II II m ill I f f ? If; We next proceeded to a place, called Cafpers Kloaf, where 0£ ^ r.. we remained all night. On the feventh, I made an excurfion to the Camis Berg, and collected many fpecies of Morsea and Ixias; and found many plants in flower, fuch as Oxalias and Crinums, which were in that ftate during the month of May at the Cape. The following morning, we purfued our journey towards the Bokke Veld, and in our way paffed feveral Hottentot Kraals. Thofe people are poffeffed of large herds of cattle ; and reiide in the fummer on the Camis Berg. At the Eye Fountain we met a peafant who had travelled from the Cape, and was going towards the Orange River. We proceeded, on the tenth, to the Green River, where we refled during the heat of the d ay ; and in the afternoon travelled about four miles farther to the fouth-eaft. The next day we were informed of a much better path than that which we had already traverfed, and which we refolved to take : we travelled the whole day, and at night arrived at a fmall ftream of water, where we agreed to remain till the morning. This we fuppofed to be the Thorn River. The next morning I afcended a high mountain to the fouth- ward, which afforded me a very extenfive view of the country to the e a ft; and the pleafure of obferving we had taken the right path. After travelling about fifteen miles, we came to the houfe of a Dutchman, where I procured proviiions for a week, as we had an extenfive country to pafs before we could
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