Battery, which extends along the west side o f the town towards the sea. This battery was constructed by a Genoese, and is perhaps more remarkable for beauty than strength, and better calculated for offensive than defensive operations. Proceeding southward, towards the entrance o f the road, we corne to a circular battery, on which are cannon and some mortars, besides a curious brass gun taken b y General Lord Heathfield, during the siege o f G ib ra lta r: the carriage, which is also o f brass, is in the form o f a lion, opens in the middle, and contains the gun within it. * Underneath this Battery is an extensive and copious mitfere, o r cistern, into which the rain- falls from the flat roofs or terraces during the wet season, and is sufficient to su p p ly the garrison a twelvemonth. W ithin the harbour, at the landing-place, are two long batteries mounted with v e ry handsome brass eighteen pounders, which were presented to the Emperor Seedy Mohammed, by the Dutch government. T h e town is defended on the land- side b y a battery of considerable force to the eastward, and is fu lly adequate to keep the Shelluhs and Arabs at a distance. Various opinions have been given o f the strength o f Mogodor b y the different naval officers who ha ve visited it, and with whom I ha ve gone round the fortifications by permission o f the Governor o f th e - c ita d e l; I think the best one is, that if the works were all comp lete ly mounted, and well manned, it would require six or seven large frigates to capture, or rather destroy the p la c e ; -f- for i f it were-entered b y storm, a dreadful slaughter * A cargo of corn free of duty, was given by the Emperor to the person who presented him with this gun. t When Commodore Crosby, in his Majesty’s ship Trusty, accompanied by three small frigates, came down to Mogodor, he anchored off the Long Battery, at about a mile and a half distant; at this time the town was so little prepared for defence, that the guns were not mounted, and when they began to do this,
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