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JZnptxived Thrown by J C Jackson byJCS tmcUer w ® Puib'jfutt Suite 4. ! fn . O.t- KA'ieAttt fattATidl. changing their position, resembling the billows o f the ocean, and hence ap tly denominated a sea o f sand, which sandy sea separates it from the cultivated country. T h e town is defended from the encroachment o f the sea b y rocks, which extend from th e northern to the southern gate, though at spring tides it is almost surrounded. T he re are two towns, or rather a citadel and an outer tow n ; the citadel (Luksebba) contains the custom-house, treasury, the residence o f the A lk a id , and the houses o f the foreign merchants, together with those o f some o f the c iv il officers, fee. The Jews who are not foreign merchants are obliged to reside in the outer town, which is walled in, and protected b y batteries and cannon, as well as the citadel. T h e wind being high a ll the summer, w ith little intermission, nothing w ill grow here in sufficient quantity to supply the inhabitants, all kinds o f fruits and vegetables are therefore brought from gardens from four to twe lve miles distan t; and the cattle and poultry are also brought from the other side o f the sandy hills, where the country, although interspersed with (Harashe) stony spots, is y e t capable o f producing e v e ry necessary o f life. T he insulated situation o f Mogodor, and the want o f fresh water, which is brought from the riv e r a mile and a ha lf distant, deprive the inhabitants o f a ll resource, except that o f commerce, so that e v e ry in dividual is supported directly or in d ire ctly b y i t : in this respect it differs from eve ry other port on the coast. T he island which lies southward o f the town is about two miles in circumference, between which and the main-land is a passage o f w ater, where the ships anchor; but as there is but ten or twelve feet at ebb tide, ships o f war, or those o f great burden, do not enter the port, but lie at anchor about a mile and a h a lf west o f the (Skalla) Long

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